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Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Eastern and Southern Africa Sandton, South Africa, 3-4 November 2010 GEF Small Grants Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Eastern and Southern Africa Sandton, South Africa, 3-4 November 2010 GEF Small Grants Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Eastern and Southern Africa Sandton, South Africa, 3-4 November 2010 GEF Small Grants Programme

2 GEF Small Grants Programme (1)  The SGP covers 123 countries  Two criteria are used to categorize countries: Number of years of participation in the SGP Level of funding received from GEF  Category I: All SIDS and LDCs with SGP country programmes that have been operational for less that 5 years  Category II: the country programmes that have been operational for between 5 and 15 years. This is subdivided in programmes that are between 5 – 9; 9 – 12; 12 – 15, including those that are more than 15 years but which have received less than 6 million dollars  Category III: the country programmes that have been operational for more than 15 years and have received more than 6 million dollars

3 GEF Small Grants Programme (2)  Some countries have been categorized as upgraded (category III), which means that they will seek funding from GEF through individual projects presented to the GEF  10 SGP country programmes have been upgraded in GEF 5: Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Philippines  These countries can use – if they so wish – a maximum of $5,000,000 from their STAR allocation over 4 years ($1,250,000 per year)  Other SGP country programmes will continue – depending on the core funding of the programmes – to use resources both within the resource allocation system and outside it (see table in following slide)

4 GEF Small Grants Programme (3) Category IAnnual allocation SIDS / LDCs$250,000 Subregional SIDS Programmes$500,000 Country Programmes – first year$150,000 Programmes that are between 2 – 5 years old $200,000 Category IIAnnual allocation Category IIa (5 – 9 years)$150,000 Category IIb (9 – 12 years)$100,000 Category IIc (12 – 15 years but having received less than 6 million dollars) $50,000

5 GEF Small Grants Programme (4) Guidelines for using STAR resources in Category I and II countries:  Countries with total STAR allocations of up to 15 million dollars may use a maximum of $2,400,000 in 4 years ($600,000 per year)  Countries with total STAR allocations of more than 15 million dollars may use a maximum of $3,600,000 in 4 years ($900,000 per year)  New programmes may use their individual STAR allocation in amounts equal to what they have a right to receive in the first year, namely: SIDS: $250,000 dollars per year Others: $150,000 dollars per year After the second year, they must follow the rules presented in the preceding slide (according to the level of total STAR allocation)

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