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Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry HRP Increment 19/20 Overview Increment.

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Presentation on theme: "Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry HRP Increment 19/20 Overview Increment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry HRP Increment 19/20 Overview Increment Coordinator Mark Anderson / NASA Increment Lead Tonya Sivils / LM Operations Lead Marc Perry / LM

2 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 33 Agenda Payload Complement New HRP Payload Overview Implementation Facility Operations Risks / Issues Open Work

3 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 44 HRP Inc. 19/20 Complement ExperimentsPrevious Increments Bisphosphonates18 Braslet (SDTO) 16, 18 CCISS15-18 Harness (SDTO)NEW (No POIC involvement w/ ADAS) Integrated CardiovascularNEW Integrated Immune (Short/Long) 16-18 Midodrine Long17,18 Nutrition14-18 Repository16-18 Sleep Short/Long14 Spinal Elongation (operator only) NEW SWABNEW (1 st water samples) VO2maxNEW

4 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 55 Spinal Elongation Spinal Elongation and its Effects on Seated Height in a Microgravity Environment (Spinal Elongation) Principal Investigator –Sudhakar Rajulu, PhD. –Karen Young Objectives 1.To collect spinal elongation induced seated height data for subjects exposed to microgravity environments. 2.To provide information relating to the seated height rate of change over time for astronauts subjected to microgravity.

5 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 66 Spinal Elongation Overview Hardware manifested on 17A 1 st subject: 17A Shuttle Utilizes the 17A FE-2 as an operator only For an N = 23 subjects, we will collect: Seated Height measurement (flight) on the Shuttle Flight Deck Digital still photograph (flight) on the Shuttle Flight Deck Hardware will remain on the ISS. Unstow and Stow activities will be scheduled Anthropometer Base affixed to head rest

6 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry Downlink and Verification Window (120 minutes) 77 Spinal Elongation Operations Shuttle FD 3, 8, 12 (1 session is required) If only 1 can be scheduled then that session needs to be scheduled as late in the mission as possible. Optional science sessions after wearing a Penguin Suit or while wearing an Entry suit are also desired to show their effects but are not required. Performing such a session requires that an in-flight nominal session be performed first. Constraints: Subject should wear light-weight clothing (nominal flight suits or t-shirts/light pants) Do not take nominal Spinal Elongation measurements within 1 hour after compression exercise, or countermeasures (Penguin Suit, EVA, weight lifting, ARED, IRED, TVIS, etc.). Crew member must not wear a Penguin suit before in-flight measurements are taken per this session. >48 hours after achieving orbit Crew Time Critical 15 2nd Photo 35 Stow (ISS) 30 1st Photo 25 Setup 15 30 Operator

7 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 88 SWAB – Water Only Comprehensive Characterization of Microorganisms & Allergens in Spacecraft Environment (SWAB) Principal Investigator –Duane L. Pierson, Ph.D. Analysis of microbial pathogens and allergens that may come into contact with the ISS crew and an evaluation of the environmental ecology to assess potential threats to the ISS crew, its systems and spacecraft integrity. Sampling of the new US Potable Water Dispenser is the aim of operations in this increment.

8 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 99 SWAB Overview SWAB water adapters manifested on 17A 1 st sample on 17A stage using the 19S ESA or 17A FE-2 crewmember Sample hot and ambient water from the US Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) every 4 weeks 3 sessions in Inc. 20 Maximized science return if the samples are performed in conjunction with nominal CHeCS sampling Return within 6 months from sample collection Accelerated execution possible (CheCs hardware, 17A descent, and PWC C/O)

9 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 10 Integrated Cardiovascular Cardiac Atrophy and Diastolic Dysfunction During and After Long Duration Spaceflight (Integrated Cardiovascular) Principal Investigator –Benjamin D. Levine, M.D. –Michael W. Bungo, M.D. Determine the magnitude of left and right ventricular atrophy associated with long-duration spaceflight, and relate this atrophy to measures of physical activity and cardiac work in-flight, determine the time course and pattern of progression of cardiac atrophy in-flight using cardiac ultrasound, determine the functional importance of cardiac atrophy for cardiac diastolic function and the regulation of stroke volume during gravitational transitions, and identify changes in ventricular conduction, depolarization and repolarization during and after long-duration spaceflight and relate these to changes in cardiac mass and morphology.

10 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 11 Integrated Cardiovascular Overview Hardware manifested on 17A & HTV1 1 st subject: 19S CSA 18S & 19S FE-1 (Operator) Average ~9.5 hours/session FD14, 30, 75, 135, R-15 Subject Hardware –2 Actiwatches (ankle and hip/waist) –Holter Monitor 2 (ECG) –ESA Cardiopres (blood pressure)

11 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 12 Integrated Cardiovascular Operations Exercise/Medication Logs throughout the mission –Acquired through data sharing Each session requires: –24-hour blood pressure collection using the ESA Cardiopres –48-hour ECG using the HM2 –Data downlink of USND, Actiwatch, HM2 and ESA Cardiopres data within 5 days of the end of the 48-hr collection FD14, 30, 135, & R-15: –Resting Echo scan FD75: –Exercise Echo scan –Crew will exercise to 70% max heart rate then scan within 5 minutes –Any exercise or experiment protocol meeting 70% can be used Crewtime efficiencies realized by scheduling consecutive subjects over 2 days as well as combining with CCISS. URC submissions will account for this.

12 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 13 Integrated Cardiovascular Operations Crew Time Critical 70 Setup 5 5 CMRS ingress 5 Instrumentation 45 Scan 520 Stow Resting Echo - FD14, 30, 135, & R-15 Operator Doff 45 70 Setup 5 5 CMRS ingress 5 Instrumentation 45 Scan Operator 45 30 Scan 30 Operator 25 Exercise 520 Stow Doff Exercise Echo – FD75 50 Unstow, PC Setup, Initialize Actiwatch, HM2 Card Format (x2) 75 Electrodes, Don HM2, Don Actiwatches, Don Cardiopres 20 Operator 20 Cardiopres Doff & Stow 48-hr Activity Monitoring (+/- 7 days of Echo) Note: The Cardiopres uses Makita batteries which have a TBD hour charge at full power. URC will have a battery swap immediately prior to and post sleep. Crew battery swaps could be required during scheduled sleep. 48-hr collect 55 Battery Change 15 HM2 Doff & Stow 30 Makita Battery Charge

13 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 14 Integrated Cardiovascular Operations Execution of Cardiopres battery swaps during crew sleep could be required if battery life is less than expected –Makita Battery Characterization HRF1 Ultrasound acoustic constraints will have to be carefully managed for FD75 (exercise echo) Cardiopres data will be downlinked via the EPM rack until 17A Cardiopres Checkout desired prior to first Integrated Cardiovascular session Is the Cardiopres certified for all USOS modules? EPM software update required to downlink Cardiopres files CMRS location on Overhead/Deck (Certification needed) –Flywheel configuration needs to be managed for COL_D3 use

14 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 15 VO2max Evaluation of Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) and Submaximal Estimates of VO2max Before, During, and After Long Duration International Space Station Missions Principal Investigator –Alan D. Moore, Jr. Ph.D. This experiment will document changes in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) during and following ISS missions of longer than 90 days. The objectives are to establish the characteristics of VO2max during flight and to assess the validity of the current methods of tracking aerobic capacity change during and following ISS missions.

15 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 16 VO2max Overview 1 st subject: 19S crew ~3.8 hours per session FD15, 45, R-30 (required) Highest priority is to provide Med Ops with data that will fulfill PFE requirements Med Ops will schedule PFE monthly Subject Hardware –Portable PFS –PFS Gas Cylinder –CEVIS (w/ control panel) –Heart-Rate Monitor

16 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 17 VO2max Operations 18S FE-1 lost due to upmass restrictions 1 st subjects: 19S crew Annex 4 documents time that is equal to the total PFE time Annex 5 documents the rest of the protocol not covered in Annex 4 Annex 3 contains the imagery requirements POIC is primary interface for the crew (CEVIS call-downs are redirected to the FD) –PODF procedures –Thermo procedure steps are embedded

17 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 18 VO2max Implementation A maximum of two subjects on a single day 19S and 17A stages have 3 subjects Doing VO2max on consecutive days could yield more efficiencies VO2max Protocol (230 minutes) 1 subject PFE (Annex 4) 90 minutes Payloads (Annex 5) 140* minutes VO2max Protocol (305 minutes) 2 subject (back-2-back) PFE (Annex 4) 135 minutes Payloads (Annex 5) 170** minutes Thermo Crewtime * = 25 minutes * * = 40 minutes

18 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 19 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 18S CDR (RS) Braslet (SDTO)- dependent on Inc. 18

19 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 20 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 18S FE-1 (US) Bisphosphonates- weekly pill ingestion, combine urine collect w/ Nutrition Braslet R (SDTO)- dependent on the number of scans performed in Inc. 18 CARD (ESA)- HRF2 PFS & RC support CCISS- 2 sessions required (FD30, 75, 135) Int. Cardiovascular- operator only Integrated Immune - 3 sessions. 17S, 17A, & 18S descent Nutrition- 5 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- Sleep logging reserve Solo (ESA)- HRF2 SLAMMD & RC support SWAB- potential acceleration VO2max- 1 st subject; Portable PFS C/O required

20 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 21 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 15A FE-2 (US) Bisphosphonates- weekly pill ingestion, combine urine collect w/ Nutrition Braslet R (SDTO)- dependent on the number of scans performed in Inc. 18 CARD (ESA)- HRF2 PFS & RC support Integrated Immune- saliva collections and blood draw on 17S & 2J/A descent Nutrition- 2 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- Shuttle Actiwatch don/doff

21 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 22 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 2J/A FE-2 (US) Braslet R (SDTO)- dependent on the number of scans performed in Inc. 18 CCISS R - duration too short to perform additional sessions Integrated Immune - 2 sessions: 2J/A & 17A. Midodrine Long- using Holter Monitor 2 Nutrition- 4 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- CEF to capture sleep logging VO2max-

22 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 23 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 19S (ESA) Bisphosphonates- weekly pill ingestion, combine urine collect w/ Nutrition Int. Cardiovascular- operator only Integrated Immune - 2 sessions. 17A & 18S Nutrition- 4 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- CEF to capture sleep logging Solo (ESA)- HRF2 SLAMMD & RC support SWAB- water collections VO2max-

23 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 24 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 19S (CSA) Bisphosphonates- weekly pill ingestion, combine urine collect w/ Nutrition CCISS- efficiencies with Integrated Cardiovascular Int. Cardiovascular- 1 st subject Integrated Immune - 2 sessions. 17A & 18S descent Nutrition- 4 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- Spinal Elongation- operator only VO2max-

24 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 25 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 17A FE-2 Bisphosphonates- weekly pill ingestion, combine urine collect w/ Nutrition Int. Cardiovascular- Integrated Immune - 2 sessions. 17A & 18S decsent Nutrition- 3 sessions Repository- implemented through Nutrition Sleep Long- Shuttle Actiwatch don Spinal Elongation- operator only SWAB- water collections VO2max- Visual Performance - SDBI but PI will email the crew a questionaire

25 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 26 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Implementation 20S Docked Ops Sleep Actiwatch Don Sleep Actiwatch initializations for the 20S crew (not in the I-19/20 OOS)? Integrated Immune collections for 19S return

26 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 27 HRP Inc. 19/20 Complement SDBI Complement 2J/A –Integrated Immune –Sleep Short –Visual Performance 17A –Integrated Immune –Sleep Short –Spinal Elongation –Visual Performance

27 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 28 HRP Inc. 19/20 Facility Activities Facility Activities CBPD Checkout R GASMAP (untended) GDS Bottle Change-Out GDS Photo R HGD/PFD Checkout R Holter Monitor 2 Checkout R HRF A31p to T61p HRF RIC V6 Autoload PEMS2 Checkout R PFS Relief Valve Checkout PFS Healthcheck R Workstation Hard Drive Swaps Ultrasound Lite R

28 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 29 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Risks & Issues Portable PFS Launch and Checkout prior to first VO2max session Upmass limitations increase risk to HRP science throughput

29 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 30 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Open Work Integrated Cardiovascular –ISSMP retrieval of ICV Cardiopres data from ESA –Procedure baseline –Makita Battery profile activity VO2max –Procedure baseline (PODF) –VO2max OIP between ISSMP, POIC, and Med Ops SOLO/SLAMMD –Coordinate with CADMOS to ensure SLAMMD utilization impacts are communicated and incorporated into products Blood Resource Tracking

30 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 31 ISSMP Inc. 19/20 Open Work CCISS –ECR with URC and Procedures to incorporate CCISS into Int. Cardiovacular by adding a baro study SWAB –Water procedure submittal ISSMP’s on-orbit support for Increment 20 –mDPC-eDPC support –Monday – Friday –Evaluating how to accommodate Volunteer Science on weekend –Separation of Prime Operations Lead responsibilities –Majority of Increment execution will migrate to the TSC

31 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 32 Contact Information Marc Perry –281.218.3128 (Office) –281.527.0263 (Pager) – – (console) Tonya Sivils –218.218.3133 (Office) –832.452.8131 (Cellular) – Mark Anderson –281.483.0909 (Office) –

32 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 33 ISSMP Core Increment Team Operations Lead Team members: –Procedures –Planning –TSC Operations –Systems (PSE) –Experiment Support Team (EST – ESS, PE, & PI) Increment Coordinator Increment Lead Integration Lead Increment Science Coordinator Training Lead Operations Lead

33 Payload Operations Integration Working Group (POIWG) February 3-5, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Marc Perry 34 POICJSC TSC ISSMP Cadre ISSMP Console Team Internal Communication Coordination HRF OPS POD OC LIS REP PRO DMC PAYCOM TSC USERS TSC OPS HRF SYSTEMS EST (ESS / PE) PI (Remote) TSC Manager On-Call Team Increment Lead Increment Coord. External Communication

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