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Body Organization Cell – Tissue – Organ – Organ System - Body Tissues: cells that perform a job Tissue Types 1. Connective – Blood, Bone, Cartilage, Adipose.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Organization Cell – Tissue – Organ – Organ System - Body Tissues: cells that perform a job Tissue Types 1. Connective – Blood, Bone, Cartilage, Adipose."— Presentation transcript:


2 Body Organization Cell – Tissue – Organ – Organ System - Body Tissues: cells that perform a job Tissue Types 1. Connective – Blood, Bone, Cartilage, Adipose (fat), Ligaments, & Tendons 2. Nervous – sends & receives messages or impulses (brain, spinal cord) 3. Epithelial – Skin 4. Muscle-skeletal, cardiac and smooth

3 Skeletal System Ligaments – join bones to other bones Cartilage - soft portion on the tips of all bones & in the nose and ears (doesn’t contain calcium) Skeletal System Functions 1. support 2. protection 3. produces blood cells

4 Joints - where bones meet -joints can be movable and immovable Where are immovable joints? Four major types of joints: 1. Hinge – elbow, knee, and ankle 2. Pivot – neck 3. Ball-and-socket – hip and shoulder 4. Gliding – carpal and tarsal bones Cartilage & synovial fluid (the WD- 40 of your body) keep joints moving smoothly

5 Skeletal System problems Sprain – A stretch or tear of a ligament Arthritis – when joints become swollen or painful Rheumatoid arthritis – cartilage becomes swollen. Eventually it is replaced by bone, which fuses & prevents movement

6 Osteoarthritis – when cartilage wears away & bones rub together

7 Osteoporosis – a person loses bone density (usually begins around 40) More common in women because they lose their ability to absorb Calcium efficiently when they have children THANK YOU MOM!!

8 The Muscle System -more than 600 muscles (35-45% of body weight) Functions of Muscle System 1. Movement – main function 2. Digestion, Breathing, Heart Beating etc 3. Protection of internal organs 4. Sitting & Standing

9 Muscles only pull a bone Muscles CANNOT push a bone This is why muscles act in pairs One muscle to extend One muscle to bend

10 2. Smooth Muscle – found in organs (digestive tract, arteries, respiratory system) Muscle Types 1. Skeletal Muscles – move bones attached directly to bones or by a tendon 3. Cardiac Muscle – heart muscle Smooth and Cardiac are both involuntary What does involuntary mean?

11 Muscle Problems Shin Splints – swelling of tendons on the inside front of the lower leg, - Muscle strain - Overuse injury Muscle Cramps – a muscle can’t relax Muscular Dystrophy – muscle tissue degenerates & is replaced by fatty tissue

12 Its SKIN! Did you know???? Your skin is the largest organ in your body!

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