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Romeo & Juliet Jeopardy 9 th Grade Literature & Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo & Juliet Jeopardy 9 th Grade Literature & Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo & Juliet Jeopardy 9 th Grade Literature & Composition

2 Rules of the Game Your teacher will split you into teams. No arguing! Team members will take turns answering questions. A question will be asked to all teams, and the first person to buzz in gets a chance to answer the question. Wait to be called on before you answer. DONOT CALL OUT! If your team misses a question, the question is “dead.” There is no stealing. If you get the question right, you get the points added to your score. If you get it wrong, you get points subtracted. The teacher will keep score, and will be the final authority for any and all conflicts. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins!

3 Characters Happenings Who Said? Categories 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

4 Characters for 100 He kills himself when he thinks Juliet is dead.

5 Who is Romeo?

6 Characters for 200 Romeo kills him to avenge his friend’s death

7 Who is Tybalt?

8 Characters for 300 She refused Romeo’s love and caused his depression

9 Who is Rosaline?

10 Characters for 400 Capulet’s favored suitor for Juliet

11 Who is Paris?

12 Characters for 500 He explains the circumstances of Tybalt’s death

13 Who is Benvolio?

14 Happenings for 100 He tells Juliet to marry Paris or she will be disowned.

15 Who is Lord Capulet?

16 Happenings for 200 Romeo and Juliet met at this lavish event.

17 What is a masquerade ball?

18 Happenings for 300 This character was unable to deliver a message to Romeo, which led to his belief that Juliet was dead.

19 Who is Friar John?

20 Happenings for 400 Tybalt loves it; Benvolio tries to avoid it.

21 What is fighting?

22 Happenings for 500 This is the person Romeo buys poison from in order to kill himself.

23 Who is the apothecary?

24 Who Said for 100 “That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet”

25 Who is Juliet?

26 Who Said for 200 “Oh dear account! My life is my foe’s debt”

27 Who is Romeo?

28 Who Said for 300 “If ever you disturb our streets again,/ Your lives shall pay the forfeit of peace.”

29 Who is Prince?

30 Who Said for 400 “In one respect I’ll thy assistance be;/ For this alliance may so happy prove,/ To turn your households’ rancor to pure love”

31 Who is Friar Lawrence?

32 Who Said for 500 “Graze where you will, you shall not house with me.”

33 Who is Capulet?

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