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BELLWORK: Brainstorm: 1.What is a revolution? 2.What do you think an industrial revolution is? 3.Describe what you see in the picture.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: Brainstorm: 1.What is a revolution? 2.What do you think an industrial revolution is? 3.Describe what you see in the picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: Brainstorm: 1.What is a revolution? 2.What do you think an industrial revolution is? 3.Describe what you see in the picture.

2 Unit 2: The Industrial Revolution The Revolution that changed the world forever.

3 Today’s Agenda Standards: W.10 Explain how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural changes W.11 Analyze the evolution of work and labor W.12 Explain vast increases in productivity and wealth and general rise in the standard of living Objective: I can explain what the Industrial Revolution was and describe the major economic, cultural, and social changes that took place during this time period.

4 Today’s Agenda Bellwork Video and Discussion Notes “Who Has Got the Answer?” Activity Video and Discussion

5 “Industrial Dream” As you watch the video, write down as many inventions and changes that you notice. revolution/

6 Key Terms Industrialism: a system based on the use of machines rather than on animal or human power Revolution: A huge change or a change in the way things are done

7 What was the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution was a time of great technological advances in Europe and North America during the 1700s and 1800s. Characterized by: New inventions New styles of production New ways of living Completely changed Europe’s economic style and culture.

8 Pre-Industrial World vs. Industrial World

9 Pre-Industrial World (Before 1700) Most goods were made at home. This meant there was a demand for skilled workers. High quality of goods.

10 Pre-Industrial World (Before 1700) Creating goods took a longer period of time. There were less goods in circulation. The price of goods was high.

11 Industrial World New inventions made production of goods easier. Most goods were made in a factory. This meant that there was a demand for unskilled workers.

12 Industrial World (cont.) Low quality of goods. Creating goods took a short period of time. There were more goods in circulation. The price of goods was low.

13 “Who Has Got the Answer?”

14 “Who Has Got the Answer?” Activity Read your part if you have the solution to the problem Every student must fill out their flow chart while we are reading through the activity. As we go through the activity, think about the range of changes that took place.

15 1. How to get meatier, woolier animals? Selective Breeding

16 2. How to feed farm animals during the winter months? Turnips

17 3. How to help spinners produce more thread? Spinning Jenny

18 4. How to produce more by working in one place? Factories

19 5. How to make more cups and plates? Mass Production

20 6. How to transport manufactured goods around the country? Canals

21 7. How to create more power? Steam Engine

22 8. How to put Watt’s discovery to good use? Invest money in Watt’s steam engine

23 9. How to transport people and goods more quickly? Trains

24 10. How to build railways and bridges? Engineering

25 11. What else can we use trains for? Day trips and holidays

26 12. Who will provide good stories? Charles Dickens

27 13. How will we improve lighting? Beginnings of Electricity

28 14. How will we improve working conditions and hours? New Laws

29 15. How will ordinary people vote? The Charter

30 16. How will we find out what causes diseases? Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory

31 17. How will we make towns cleaner and healthier? Sewage System

32 18. What will people do on a Saturday afternoon? Cricket Football

33 “Who Has Got the Answer?” Debrief What range of changes took place? What impression of this period do you now have? How different were the lives of people in the 1860s and 1870s from their own families a hundred years earlier?

34 Crash Course Video As you watch the video, think about why you think it is important to study the industrial revolution.

35 Turn and Talk Based on this video, why do you think it is important to study the industrial revolution? Does the industrial revolution still impact us today? If so, how?

36 Exit Slip 1. What is the industrial revolution? 2. Describe one major change that took place during this time period.

37 Assignment: Read pages 633 – 637 in the textbook. Jot down some notes about: The factors and causes that led to the Industrial Revolution Agricultural Factors Changes in the Textile Industry Why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain We will discuss these notes at the beginning of next class.

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