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Mise – En - Scene LocationCharacter/sObjects & Props Costume, Hair & Make-up Camera lighting 1) The location is going to be Israa’s house in the kitchen.

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Presentation on theme: "Mise – En - Scene LocationCharacter/sObjects & Props Costume, Hair & Make-up Camera lighting 1) The location is going to be Israa’s house in the kitchen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mise – En - Scene LocationCharacter/sObjects & Props Costume, Hair & Make-up Camera lighting 1) The location is going to be Israa’s house in the kitchen. One main character (me) playing as a teen magician making a cup of tea. The objects/props that we are going to use are: Cup Tea bag Milk Sugar Rabbit spoon Ordinary teen costume Ordinary straight hair and Natural make- up used. Kitchen lighting but may adjust the white balance and Exposure to the video.

2 Shot List Shot No.Camera ActionSound 1Long shot of girl walking down the stairs.Footsteps 2Point of view of girl walkingFootsteps 3A over shoulder shot of girl filling up the kettle with water.Water running 4Close-up shot of girl putting the kettle back in it’s place and turning it on. Kettle boiling up 5Mid over shoulder shot of girl opening the cuboid and getting out a cup whilst looking for the tea box. Cuboid opening 6Close up of the cuboid being empty (no tea box).N/S 7Mid close-up shot of girl closing the cuboid and tapping on the wood (twice). Tapping on wood 8Mid close-up shot of girl opening cuboid and tea appears, girl takes it out and uses one tea bag. 9Mid shot of girl approaching the fridge and opening it to find no milk inside (close-up). 10Close-up of girl closing fridge and knocks on the fridge door (twice).

3 11Over shoulder shot of girl re-opening the fridge to find a milk box there (close-up of milk) and she pours a bit in her cup. Fridge opening 12Mid, close-up shot of girl opening the sugar box, to find it empty extra close-up of sugar box being empty). Sugar box lid opening 13Close-up shot of girls hand being empty before she rubs her hands together by the opening of the sugar box. Hands rubbing against each other 14Extra close-up shot of the sugar box filled with sugar and pours a bit in her cup. N/S 15Mid, long shot of girl looking for a spoon.N/S 16Mid shot of girl giving up and takes out her snapback hat.Girl breathing in frustration 17Mid, close-up shot of girl putting her hand inside the hat and taking out a rabbit. N/S 18Mid, long shot of girl holding the rabbit for a bit before putting the rabbit away. N/S 19Close-up shot of girl putting her hand into the hat again and bring out a spoon this time. N/S 20Close-up shot of girl stirring the cup of tea.Cup of tea being stirred 21Mid shot of girl drinking the magic tea in delight.Girl sighing in success

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