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Tea, Tax, and Testimony The Boston Tea Party. George Robert Twelves Hewes  Shoemaker in Boston  Participated in the Boston Tea Party  Interviewed by.

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Presentation on theme: "Tea, Tax, and Testimony The Boston Tea Party. George Robert Twelves Hewes  Shoemaker in Boston  Participated in the Boston Tea Party  Interviewed by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tea, Tax, and Testimony The Boston Tea Party

2 George Robert Twelves Hewes  Shoemaker in Boston  Participated in the Boston Tea Party  Interviewed by Alfred F. Young

3 The Shoemaker and the Tea Party  Written by Alfred F. Young  Recorded Hewes' testimony  Wrote a book about Boston Tea Party  Included Hewes' interview  Told details about the event

4 What Led to the Event?  The British taxed the Americans frequently  Taxed on tea  Boston got fed up with all of the taxes

5 The Last Straw  British enforced a tax on tea  Colonists became enraged  Colonists decided to protest against the British

6 Enough is Enough  Colonists began meeting to make a plan  Meetings started off small, ended up being 5000+ people  Planned the event

7 The Destruction of Tea  December 16, 1773  Colonists disguised themselves as Indians  Boarded the British ships (3)  Began cutting open boxes of tea and throwing them overboard  Ruined every single box  Left the ships unharmed and with no interference of the British

8 Aftermath  Intolerable Acts o 1774 o Boston Port Act (closed the ports for all trade) o Quebec Act o Massachusetts Gov’t Act o Quartering Act of 1774 o Administration of Justice Act

9 Aftermath Cont.  Colonists rebelled even more because of the Intolerable Acts  Began to fight the British  Declaration of Independence

10 Links to America Today  The events led to America’s Independence  America still follows the Declaration of Independence today

11 Summary  The Boston Tea Party was an event held by the colonists of Boston. They were tired of the taxes that the British were enforcing upon them. They decided to rebel against the British and destroyed all of the tea that was shipped to them on December 16, 1773. The British reacted by enforcing the Intolerable Acts. The colonists rebelled against those as well, which eventually led to the Declaration of Independence. We still go by the Declaration of Independence to this day.

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