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1 st Stanza “not a red rose or a satin heart.” “not”- negative, unoriginal “red rose” (alliteration) and “satin heart” typical valentine gifts, both have.

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2 1 st Stanza “not a red rose or a satin heart.” “not”- negative, unoriginal “red rose” (alliteration) and “satin heart” typical valentine gifts, both have a contrast of being nice and one being of death. “satin heart” links back to red.

3 2 nd Stanza “I give you an onion” ‘onion’ is a metaphorical symbol for love throughout the poem. Love=bitterness? “it is a moon a wrapped in brown paper” ‘brown paper’ is a metaphor, and also links back to the onion. “It promises light like the careful undressing of love.” The simile compares love to an onion and ‘undressing of love’ also helps compare to an onion as if you were peeling it.

4 3 rd Stanza “It will blind you to tears like a lover.” The simile makes a comparison between a lover making you cry and an onion making your eyes water. The word ‘blind’ can link into the well known saying ‘love is blind’. “It will make your reflection a wobbling photo of grief.” ‘reflection’ – looking at your reflection in the mirror or reflecting on yourself. ‘wobbling’ – idea that maybe this person is crying, linking back to the second line in this stanza.

5 4 th Stanza “I am trying to be truthful.” Making a stanza only one short sentence helps bring focus to it. It tells us that maybe the poet is favouring honest over a fake statement. ‘trying’ might indicate that she has not been truthful in the past but she is trying to be through this poem.

6 5 th Stanza “Not a cute card or a kissogram.” Another short stanza helps in stand out and helps us as a reader focus on it more. This sentence has been repeated, the first line in the poem was “Not a red rose or a satin heart.” By using repetition the poet is trying to emphasis his thoughts on these typical valentines day gifts.

7 6 th Stanza “I give you an onion.” Again the poet as used repetition on this statement of giving an onion after saying she would not give typical valentines day gifts – she is giving an onion instead of the typical valentines day gifts as she thinks it gives a much deeper meaning. “Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips” ‘fierce kiss’ – oxymoron, helps link to the taste of the onion on your lips. “for as long as we are.” Shows that this relationship might not last, the poet seems doubtful or she could have been realistic.

8 7 th Stanza “its platinum loops shrink to a wedding- ring, if you like” Cutting an onion goes in to “loops” and has connotations of a wedding ring. “if you like” carries the thought of doubt. Traditional valentines poem, a proposal of marriage.

9 8 th Stanza “lethal. Its scent will cling to your fingers, cling to your knife.” “Lethal” and “knife” link to one another. “cling” love clings.. Can not be removed, Knife marked with scent, ready to punish betrayal.

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