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Anna Ward James Martin MS Asexual Reproduction. Do Now!!! Several of you missed the quiz on Friday. You will take that now. If your quiz is completed,

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Ward James Martin MS Asexual Reproduction. Do Now!!! Several of you missed the quiz on Friday. You will take that now. If your quiz is completed,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Ward James Martin MS Asexual Reproduction

2 Do Now!!! Several of you missed the quiz on Friday. You will take that now. If your quiz is completed, then please read the article, “IN DEPTH” about salamanders. Answer the following questions on page 4 of your science notebook: 1. What is the name of the process salamanders use to regrow their tails? In your own words, how does this happen?

3 Announcements Science Fair Projects Report Cards/Touch Base with Teachers Expectations for this week Quiz Friday

4 Vocabulary Fun Run…

5 Asexual Reproduction: A type of reproduction in which a single organism produces offspring that have the same genetic material Sexual Reproduction: A type of reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells combine to form offspring with genetic material from both cells Mitosis: Cell division resulting in two identical cells Meiosis: Cell division resulting in four sex cells with half the normal amount of genetic material Gametes: A sperm or egg cell that contains half the usual number of chromosomes Gene: The basic unit of heredity that consists of a segment of DNA on a chromosome Heredity: The passing of genes from parent to offspring Traits: Characteristics that inherited from parent to offspring DNA: The genetic material found in all living cells Chromosomes: The physical structure in the cell that contains the cell’s genetic material Genome: The full DNA sequence of an organism Mutation: Any change made in DNA

6 Brain Pop!!! asexualreproduction/ asexualreproduction/

7 Asexual Reproduction…(Page 4) Asexual Reproduction is when a single organism produces offspring that have the same genetic material Some Examples: Budding (Hydra) Fragmentation (Some kinds of worms) Regeneration (Starfish) Binary Fission (Bacteria) Mitosis (Cell Division)

8 Benefits of Asexual Reproduction… Asexual Reproduction has benefits: Organisms can reproduce quickly Necessary for organisms can grow and develop Allows for repair of damage to the organism

9 Binary Fission in an E.Coli…

10 Starfish Regeneration

11 Mitosis…cell division in our bodies

12 Current Events…Growing Body Parts

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