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OPERATIONS TEXT TO 9-1-1. TEXT TO 9-1-1 OPERATIONS Other agency experiences RRRDC expectations Timeline Training RRRDC Standard Operating Procedures Calls.

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2 TEXT TO 9-1-1 OPERATIONS Other agency experiences RRRDC expectations Timeline Training RRRDC Standard Operating Procedures Calls in RRRDC jurisdiction Call outside RRRDC jurisdiction

3 OTHER AGENCY EXPERIENCES Small percentage of PSAPs across U.S. take text to 9-1-1 FCC website (updated monthly) shows hundreds agencies – more every month All PSAPs did a public education and/or text to 9-1-1 campaign

4 OTHER AGENCY EXPERIENCES Findings from other agencies accepting Text to 9-1-1 Very low volume of Text to 9-1-1 calls * from NENA Interim SMS Text to 9-1-1 Operational Experiences Vermont 2012 –2014, 259 non-test texts/74 were legitimate emergencies) North Central Texas Council of Governments (1.6 million population) Jan 2013 – Oct 2014 9 legitimate text to 911 Monroe County, NY (747,813 population) July 2013-October 2014 – 30 resulted in CAD events Hamilton County, Ohio, (805,000 population, 686 texts over 2 years, 30% (205 were legitimate ) minimal abuse People prefer to call 9-1-1 during an emergency The deaf and hard of hearing community will use text to 9-1-1 Minimal training for communications operators needed Texts might take longer to process than phone calls, might get out of order or might not come in Domestics, Suicide Attempts, Intruders, Drug Dealing, Assaults, Threats, Burglaries The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior

5 RRRDC TIMELINE AND TRAINING March 15, 2016 RRRDC telephones enabled to accept Text-to-911 calls Next Steps Request for Text to 9-1-1 by ND Association of Counties Testing of Text to 9-1-1 Hamilton County, Cincinnati Ohio (804,000 population) said their experience is that it took 3 months for all the carriers to complete the testing. Training Communications Operators know how to text Communications Operators know how to process 911 calls Putting these two skills together has not been difficult for employees

6 RRRDC OPERATIONS Text to 9-1-1 Anxiety Information Training Practice SOP and Call Guides

7 OPERATIONS Calls will come through current telephone system Fully integrated Least operational impact Calls in RRRDC jurisdiction will be processed in the same manner as calls outside of RRRDC jurisdiction All calls will be processed using the same standards for voice calls for service (where, what, when who, why) including EMD if needed.

8 OPERATIONS Location Text message will show X/Y coordinates (centroid of sector) “911 What is the address of your emergency?” Address will be verified including city and state. If caller cannot provide location and there is a verified emergency, the dispatcher may “ping” the location or may ask the caller if they are able to safely call 911

9 OPERATIONS Pre-set messages will be entered into system so dispatchers can use if they choose Message are limited to 160 characters (like all other texts) Dispatchers will not use “texting” lingo

10 OPERATIONS A text session does not end until the dispatch center releases it RRRDC will not release sessions until contact made with the appropriate jurisdiction or responder If the text session is ended – a text cannot be sent back from within our telephone system RRRDC does have a cell phone if needed to initiate text All call requiring response – regardless if inside or outside RRRDC jurisdiction will have a call for service created in CAD Dispatchers will be authorized to make voice calls if needed and there are no safety concerns

11 OPERATIONS Dispatchers can continue to take calls while in a text session. Some text sessions may last an extended time but this does not prevent employees from taking other calls. If there is a language barrier, language line services will be used but are only available for voice call back.

12 OPERATIONS – OUTSIDE JURISDICTION In order to notify outside agencies in timely manner, RRRDC will gather enough pertinent information to dispatch call given the nature of situation and priority of call. High priority calls – Call Type/Location A list of contact phone numbers will be maintained in RRRDC call guide

13 OPERATIONS – OUTSIDE JURISDICTION At no point will a caller be advised that they have reached the wrong number All text to 911 records will be considered the property of the agency that responds to the call for service. Requests for the content of the message from other than the responding agency will be referred to the responding agency.

14 OPERATIONS – TRANSFERS Text to 911 will be transferred to agencies capable of receiving text to 911 If reasonable, RRRDC will attempt to have the caller make a voice call

15 OPERATIONS RRRDC SOP is currently in draft form Suggestions welcome


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