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PBIS Coaches Training Day 3. OUR NORMS Confidentiality * Active participation * Professional use of technology * Assume best intentions Agenda Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Coaches Training Day 3. OUR NORMS Confidentiality * Active participation * Professional use of technology * Assume best intentions Agenda Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Coaches Training Day 3

2 OUR NORMS Confidentiality * Active participation * Professional use of technology * Assume best intentions Agenda Welcome (9:00-9:10am) – Ice Breaker – Just Three Words Grounding Activity (9:10-9:30am) – Professional Development Opportunities I went to….. What I learned, A’HA moment, I want to learn more about, I put into practice… Coaching PD – Coaching Skill Development (9:30-12:00pm) – Tiered Fidelity Inventory (12:30-12:45pm) – District Leadership Team (12:45-1:00pm) Castro Valley USD – Marian Meadows, PBIS Coordinator/Coach (1:00-1:20pm) Voices from the Field – Wrapping up the year and preparing for next school year (1:20-1:40pm) – Speed Networking (1:40-1:55pm) What questions do I have? What type of PBIS coaching support do I need? PBIS Coaches Training

3 Ice Breaker Just Three Words Identify a recorder…. Reflect on your position as a PBIS Coach/Coordinator this 2014-2015 school year Share “just three words” to describe… – Your experience as a PBIS Coach/Coordinator this school year?

4 Professional Development Opportunities…. Reflect on any professional development opportunities you attended this school year (ie. NWPBIS Conference, NorCal PBIS/SC Symposium, etc.) At each poster paper choose a recorder Each person discuss with your group: – What I learned….. – A’HA Moment…… – I want to learn more about….. – I would like to or I put into practice….. Share out

5 COACHING SKILLS Lynn Bravewomon

6 Measuring fidelity of implemented school- wide behavior support systems. Guides Annual Action Planning/Goals for PBIS Teams PBIS Assessment Overview – ges/PBIS-Assessment-Overview.aspx ges/PBIS-Assessment-Overview.aspx PBIS Assessment Coordinator – Username and Password PBIS Assessments

7 SW PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Purpose The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. Tier I, Tier II, Tier III Uses of TFI Formative assessment to help school teams improve Progress monitoring - self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier Build action plan to focus implementation efforts Conducted annually State Recognition Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation.


9 Schedule of Fidelity Measurement within SWPBS Implementation

10 Networking time…. Work with your district team or table group – Review the Schedule of Fidelity Measurement from the PBIS Evaluation Blue Print – Discuss and complete your District Schedule of Fidelity Measurement Share out with whole group what assessments your district will be using to measure PBIS fidelity and when your district will be conducting these assessments

11 PBIS Action Planning Supporting your teams to develop a PBIS Action Plan Setting goals and objectives for the school year Teams using surveys and data to support the development of their PBIS Action Plan Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Self Assessment Survey School-wide Evaluation (SET) Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

12 Join the table group with the shape on your name tag Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Share/discuss – How do you coach your school site teams to review implementation and progress monitoring data (ie. TFI, SET, SAS, and TIC) to create their action plans? – What Action Planning Tool do you use? – When does the action planning process begin in your district? Share out Networking Time….


14 Leadership Team Core Elements Leadership Team Purpose People Implementation Plan Information Resources Score 0, 1, 2

15 Purpose/ Role Lead implementation and adaptation of a multi-tiered behavior support framework that improves the social, academic and behavioral outcomes for students. Provide clarity of purpose throughout the district – Ensure alignment of programs/initiatives that will be incorporated. – Formal policies (LAUSD, Michigan, Chicago) Develop and manage implementation plan Provide staff development, training, coaching and support to implement multi- tiered behavior support framework Collect fidelity and impact data, and use the data both for on-going problem solving and regular evaluation summaries.

16 People: Members of a Leadership Team Combine to provide the following: Authority to make personnel decisions Authority to make fiscal decisions Authority to make programmatic decisions Time to be an active participant Technical knowledge of Multi-tiered Behavior Support Frameworks. Commitment to purpose Able to access fidelity and impact data. Coordination Capacity: Personnel who make things happen between meetings.

17 Implementation Plan Process Implementation Plan developed Meet at least Monthly Meeting Process – Pre-defined agenda – Agenda is managed electronically and publically during the meeting – Designated “Facilitator, Minute Taker, Evaluator” – Each meeting begins with status update – Each meeting assesses if tasks defined in last meeting were completed (were effective) – Each meeting includes analysis of current data to identify celebrations and problems – Problem solving include clear and precise problem statements with comprehensive solutions. – Each meeting ends with task list of actions and goals to be done prior to next meeting and clarity about who will do what by when. – Meeting minutes are shared electronically within 24 hours of meeting.

18 Information Accountability School Information System – Standardized math and reading – Attendance/ Graduation – Demographic information Decision-Systems at School-level – Office discipline referrals/ suspension & expulsion (SWIS) – Academic screening and progress monitoring (DIEBLS) Fidelity of implementation – Extent to which targeted programs/practices are being used (TFI) Training in how to USE data for decision-making Capacity Development – District capacity to select, implement and maintain evidence-based practices (DCA)

19 Resources Funding Personnel Physical Space Equipment and Materials

20 What a Leadership Team DOES Establish vision and plan Establish District Foundations – Funding, Visibility, Political Support, Policy Foundations – Formal presentation to Superintendent/Board at least twice a year. Guide development of “Demonstrations” Extend Demonstrations to Full District Implementation (scaling) Build District Capacity – Training – Coaching – Evaluation – Behavioral Expertise Evaluation and Adaptation – Provide effective data systems Alignment of multiple initiatives Initial Accomplishments 1.Policy/ Commitment 2.Leadership Team 3.Implementation Plan 4.Evaluation Plan 5.Selection of Demo Schools 6.Initial School Fidelity Assessment 7.Exploration and Installation with schools 8.Data System

21 Leadership Team Funding Visibility Political Support TrainingCoachingEvaluation Local School Teams/ Exemplar Demonstrations Active Coordination Technical Expertise Policy

22 How to Assess a Leadership Team Are schools implementing a multi-tiered behavior support framework? – Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Are students benefitting? – School-wide Information System (SWIS; CICO-SWIS; ISIS-SWIS) – Social Culture (student survey) – Academic performance (standardized and progress monitoring) – Attendance and graduation – Equity across disability, ethnicity Is the capacity of the district to sustain effective practices improving? – Team composition and structure (efficient ways of getting things done) – Funding, Visibility, Political Support, Policy documents – Training and Coaching – Technical Expertise – Evaluation systems – Local Exemplars District Capacity Assessment (DCA)

23 Summary Core elements of Leadership Team – Purpose – People – Implementation Plan/ Process – Information – Resources Results from Effective Leadership Team Action – Functional Leadership Team Decision-making – Active coordination – Exemplar schools – Funding, Visibility, Political Support, Policy Documents – Training, Coaching, Technical Expertise, Evaluation Metrics – Implementation of PBIS in schools (at all three tiers) (TFI) – Benefits for Students (SWIS, Academic, Social/Emotional) – Capacity of District (DCA)


25 PBIS Tier 1 Implementation Preparing your teams Tier 1 Checklist Creating the PBIS handbook PBIS Kick off Preparing teams for training staff for implementation PBIS Profile Start of the year checklist Month to Month calendars

26 Join the table group with coaches you have not worked with…. Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Share/discuss – How do you coach your school site teams to review implementation and progress monitoring data (ie. TFI, SET, SAS, and TIC) to create their action plans? – What Action Planning Tool do you use? – When does the action planning process begin in your district? Share out Networking Time….

27 Coaches Month to Month “Year at a Glance”

28 Networking time…. Join the table group with the shape on your name tag Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Share/discuss – Did you use this tool this school year? – How has it helped you as a coach? – Are your PBIS teams where they should be? – What do you need to support your PBIS teams with?

29 Wrapping Up Speed Networking Line up in two rows….facing each other Reflect on the Coaches Training this past school year Record your partner’s key points on the large post it. Take turns answering the questions. After each question move to the person to your left. – What did you find valuable with the coaches trainings? – Is there something you would change? If so, what would you change? – What would you like to learn more about?

30 Thank you for a Great Year!

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