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Pat Hubert ESA2 Using Student Learning Objectives to Guide Instruction and Student Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Pat Hubert ESA2 Using Student Learning Objectives to Guide Instruction and Student Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pat Hubert ESA2 Using Student Learning Objectives to Guide Instruction and Student Learning

2 Norms for the Day Listen with Engagement Honor Each Other’s Thinking Honor Private Think Time Everyone has a Voice Be Respectful of all Comments Limit Side Conversation Take Care of Your Needs Cell Phones Off/Vibrate

3 Outcomes Develop deeper awareness of quality SLOs Use the SLO checklist to assess quality of SLOs Review the evolution of SLOs Assess the quality sample SLOs Practice SLO peer coaching conversations Review and revise your SLOs in preparation for your SLO approval

4 Why are we here?

5 SLO FAQ Didn’t my teachers walk out with a 100% completed SLO?

6 No, SLOs will not be 100% complete because teachers did not have any baseline data to use to set goals. Teachers were given work time and could complete a fair amount. They can pre- assess students when school starts, fill in the baseline data, and set goals.

7 Where are you at? How many of got a start on your SLO this summer? How many of you have benchmarked? Talk to your elbow partner about your benchmark data? - were there any surprises? - how did it guide your SLO? - what do you expect from your mid-point assessment - how did your benchmark assessment lead you to determine what strategies you will use?

8 SLO Review

9 Student Growth Student growth is defined as a positive change in student achievement between two or more points in time. Using a measure of student growth – as opposed to using student achievement results from a single test delivered at a single point in time – is more reflective of the impact an individual teacher has on student learning. Student Learning Objective A Student Learning Objective is a teacher-­‐driven goal or set of goals that establish expectations for student academic growth over a period of time. The specific, rigorous, realistic and measurable goal(s) must be based on baseline data and represent the most important learning that needs to occur during the instructional period. SLOs are aligned to applicable Common Core, state or national standards. Let’s Define It!

10 SBAC Individuals who teach ELA or math at grades 3-8, or 11 must write an SLO based on ELA or math. DSTEP Science Individuals who teach sciences grades 5,8, or 11 must write an SLO based on science. Grade 5 teachers who teach ELA, math, and science must select one of those content areas on which to write the SLO.

11 Each teacher writes ONE SLO. Teachers may write more than one, but only one will be used for evaluation of student growth. Administrators may require teachers to write more than one, if desired. IEP goals may not be substituted for SLOs.

12 Teacher Student Growth Rating PERFORMANCE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Low Less than 65% goal attainment Expected 65% to 85% goal attainment High 86% to 100% percent attainment

13 SLO Development SLO Approval Ongoing Communication Prepare for Summative Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Select or develop an assessment What assessments are available? Select or develop an assessment What assessments are available? Write growth goal What can I expect my students to achieve? Write growth goal What can I expect my students to achieve? The SLO Process

14 What tools are available?

15 Recommended Tools SDDOE Process guide SDDOE SLO Checklist SDDOE Assessment Quality Checklist SLO type Assessment type Timeline Participation of ‘others’

16 SLO Coaching Checklist partner activity – Working with the person to your LEFT, please read through the checklist. Discuss and be ready to share one or more of the following: A question you found helpful A new question you’d like to include A district/teacher/admin with whom this checklist would be useful

17 Lunch

18 SLO Quality group activity Partners Activity: – Open the Evolving Samples PDF. – Review the evaluator’s feedback for the questions, descriptive feedback, or other types of coaching comments that led to the evolution of that SLO. – Be ready to share: a specific piece of feedback that your group feels was helpful. Why? How would you use it? a specific piece of feedback that your group would have worded differently. How would you change it?

19 SLO Samples group activity Please open the SLO Samples folder from the wiki Group Activity: Open the Sample SLOs other states doc. – Select one of the links and search for a quality sample SLO. – Be ready to share: Link, title, content, grade level information Why your group feels this is a quality SLO to share with teachers

20 SLO Assessment partner activity Under SLO Sample folder from the wiki Partner Activity: – Open the SD Samples – Read the sample – Using the Quality Checklist, assess the quality with your partner. – Switch roles and select any other SD sample SLO and repeat.

21 SLO Assessment partner activity Pull out your SLO Using the quality checklist discuss areas of strength and weakness Coach each other for growth Revise as necessary

22 Outcomes Develop deeper awareness of quality SLOs Use the SLO checklist to assess quality of SLOs Review the evolution of SLOs Assess the quality sample SLOs Practice SLO peer coaching conversations Review and revise your SLOs in preparation for your SLO approval

23 After lunch you will have time to continue your revision You will meet with your administrator for approval Time for additional revisions

24 Questions? Evaluation….

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