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Bilaterally Symmetrical Worms Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Annelida, and 4 unique groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Bilaterally Symmetrical Worms Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Annelida, and 4 unique groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bilaterally Symmetrical Worms Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Annelida, and 4 unique groups

2 Anatomical Sides of a Bilateral Organism  Anterior – front side of an organism where the head with a brain or nerve net is located  Posterior – the rear side of an organism (really the only way to tell for sure is that it is the side opposite from the head region)  Dorsal – the back surface of an organism  Ventral – the underside or belly region of an organism

3 Anatomical Sides of a Radial vs Bilateral Organism

4 Phylum Platyhelminthes Characteristics: –have bilateral symmetry –have a vermiform (wormlike shape) –have a third layer of cells (the mesoderm)  The mesoderm produces muscular layers, an excretory system, and an elaborate reproductive system. –exhibit an acoelomate body plan body plan

5 Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes vs Cnidarians Platyhelminthes are composed of 3 cell layers where as Cnidarians are only composed of 2  ectoderm is responsible for the production of much of the sensory system and surface skin (among other things)  endoderm contributes to the growth of structures such as the lining of the gut  mesoderm is used to build muscular, excretory, and reproductive systems

6 Platyhelminthes The increases in complexity compared to Sponges, Cnidarians, and Ctenophora have led to increases in mobility, higher activity, and general increase in responsiveness of the organisms from this phylum

7 Platyhelminthes  Platyhelminths are commonly known as "flatworms," due to their almost paper- thin structure.  They have a incomplete digestive system – meaning they have only one opening for the mouth and the anus.  They typically undergo sexual reproduction but can also reproduce asexually by regeneration. –Most species are hermaphrodites (contain both male and female parts)

8 3 Major Classes of Platyhelminthes 1. TURBELLARIAN – free-living 2. TREMATODA – parasitic 3. CESTODA – parasitic

9 CLASS TURBELLARIAN  3000 species  most marine  ex. planaria (fresh water)

10 CLASS TURBELLARIAN - Planarian  External anatomy –anterior end spade shaped –posterior end tapered –body covered with cilia  Movement –move by undulative motion or –laying down mucus layer and beating cilia  Digestion and excretion –scavenger (carrion) –predator (small prey)

11 CLASS TURBELLARIAN - Planarian  Digestion –muscular pharynx extended out of mouth –food sucked in –passed into intestines (branched) –nutrients absorbed through intestinal wall or phagocytosis –undigested food excreted through pharynx and mouth  Excretion –chemical wastes and excess water eliminated by network of ducts (pores and canals) –contains flame cells –flame cells enclose a tuft of beating cilia –cilia moves wastes into the ducts -> –excretory pores - > out

12 CLASS TURBELLARIAN - Planarian  Nervous control –organized –sense light intensity and direction –two anterior eyespots (photosensitive cells) –touch, taste, and smell receptors –two anterior ganglia (clusters of nerves) -> simple brain –capable of simple "learning" –memory stored chemically

13 CLASS TURBELLARIAN - Planarian  Reproduction –hermaphrodites –sexual reproduction  simultaneous fertilization  protective encapsulated eggs stick to rock  hatch 2-3 weeks  Mating season is February – March –asexual (summer)  attach to rock surface with posterior end  stretch until they tear into two  each half regenerates lost parts



16 CLASS TREMATODA  6,000 species  parasitic - both endoparasites and ectoparasites  leaf shaped  eg. flukes

17 CLASS TREMATODA - Fluke –parasites –1 cm long (oval shaped) –2 sucker mouths (anterior and ventral) –cling to host –anterior sucker sucks in blood, cells and fluids of host

18 CLASS TREMATODA - Fluke  Nervous and Excretory system –Turbellarian like  Reproduction –complex reproductive life cycle –hermaphroditic –long coiled uterus (stores 10,000+ eggs) –eggs released through genital pore -> larvae

19 TREMATODA – Fluke Life Cycle

20 CLASS CESTODA  1,500 species  Also known as TAPEWORMS  most are parasitic (7 in humans)  adapted for parasitic life  tough outer tegument  hooks and suckers

21 CLASS CESTODA  nervous system extends length of body  lack sense organs, mouth, and digestive tract  absorb nutrients directly through heavily folded tegument knoblike head with hooks and suckers (scolex)  grows by producing body segments (proglottids)  oldest proglottids at posterior

22 CLASS CESTODA  Life cycle and reproduction –proglottids contain both male and female reproductive organs –cross fertilization is typical between individuals or proglottids –after fertilization - proglottids break off and are eliminated with feces


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