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SALTO Inclusion Resources helping young people to swim, rather than carrying them over the water.

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Presentation on theme: "SALTO Inclusion Resources helping young people to swim, rather than carrying them over the water."— Presentation transcript:

1 SALTO Inclusion Resources helping young people to swim, rather than carrying them over the water

2 What can SALTO Inclusion help you with? Setting up an inclusion project Setting up an inclusion project (resources for youth workers) Working strategically on inclusion Working strategically on inclusion (resources for National Agencies) Find out more about SALTO Ehm…, What is Inclusion? or the symbols below Click links to navigate

3 What can SALTO Inclusion help you with? Inclusion for Youth Workers Training Project manuals Methods & tools Inspiration Project examples Project partners Trainers & experts Inclusion news Inclusion for Agencies EU Inclusion Strategy National strategies Staff training Quality Charter Trainers & experts Participants Material for projects Inclusion news General SALTO Info Achievements What is Inclusion? Click links to navigate

4 Euh, sorry, but what is inclusion? Inclusion within the youth field, refers to the efforts undertaken to get young people on board (e.g. in your activities) who are at a disadvantage compared to their peers. This can be… Minorities Poor people School drop-outs (ex)Offenders Single parents Disability LesBiGay Unemployed Urban youth Rural youth Young carers Social problems Immigrants Refugees Youth in care Health problems Many More

5 SALTO Inclusion resources for youth workers SALTO Inclusion Resources for youth workers making it easier to set up inclusion projects and increase their quality

6 You feel you need more inclusion training? SALTO organises several inclusion courses for you In 2012 TC Youth @ Work (TR) how to use Youth in Action to help young people in their professional lives East West EVS included (UA) setting up voluntary service projects between EU and Eastern Europe & Caucasus for young people with fewer opportunities

7 More inclusion training in the European Training Calendar INCLUSION Enter search criteria. Click search. Easy!

8 More inclusion training in the European Training Calendar More than 150 seminars and training activities per year You can also add your international training course to recruit participants! More here

9 No time to participate in a training course? SALTO turned its courses into practical youth work manuals that guide you to set up inclusion projects Finding partner groups Preparation of your group Funding for your project Overcoming challenges Practical tips and exercises Download or request them from

10 YouthPass For All: Recognising skills of young people with fewer opportunities Working on Work: How Youth in Action can help youth employment Thematic SALTO Inclusion booklets: employment Inclusion through Employability: Success factors for youth employment projects

11 SALTO Inclusion booklets for working with specific groups No Barriers No Borders: international mixed ability projects with young people with & without a disability Over the Rainbow: respectful international projects with lesbian, gay and bisexual young people

12 SALTO Inclusion booklets for working with specific groups Village International: international projects with young people from rural and geographically isolated areas Youth and the City: meaningful international projects for youth from disadvantaged (sub)urban areas

13 No Offence: setting up projects with young (ex)offenders and young people in prisons E.M.power: empowerment projects for Ethnic Minority young women SALTO Inclusion booklets for working with specific groups

14 SALTO Inclusion booklets to set up inclusive projects Going International – Opportunities for ALL: going abroad a first time with socio-economically disadvantaged youth Use Your Hands to Move Ahead: adapting short term EVS to the life of young people with fewer opportunities

15 SALTO Inclusion booklets to set up inclusive projects Fit for Life: using sports as an appealing method to reach and work with inclusion groups ID-Booklet: IDeas to make your youth work & projects more inclusive and reach more diverse target groups

16 Making Waves: Raising the visibility and impact with your youth project Thematic SALTO inclusion booklets: visibility Images In Action: Positive image-building for inclusion groups Download or request them all from

17 Looking for inclusion methods & exercises? Find them in the Toolbox for Training INCLUSION Enter search criteria Click search Easy

18 More than 275 inclusion methods & exercises Simulation games, energisers, background texts, publications, etc. You can also add your training methods and tools! toolbox/

19 Not enough Inclusion inspiration yet? Check our good practice projects: Enter search criteria Navigate the map

20 Looking for partners for your inclusion project? Find them in the OTLAS partner database INCLUSION Enter search criteria Click search Easy Or add your own partner request

21 Looking for an expert or trainer on inclusion? Search Trainers Online for Youth Click search Easy Enter search criteria

22 Looking for an expert or trainer on inclusion? More than 300 experienced int’l trainers in the TOY database Experienced international youth trainers can also register in TOY! TOY/ INCLUSION

23 You need a trainer on inclusion quickly? Launch a call for trainers to all trainers in TOY in one go Send your call for trainers to Include information about the course, the aims, the requested trainer profile, the working conditions and payment Usually about 15-25 trainers reply to each call

24 Want to stay updated about SALTO & Inclusion? Register for the monthly SALTO Inclusion newsletter Announcements of new inclusion training & methods New SALTO Inclusion for ALL booklets European developments in the field of inclusion 

25 SALTO Inclusion Resources for inclusion agencies approaching inclusion in a strategic way

26 Does your work fit in the European Inclusion Strategy? The European Commission (in cooperation with SALTO Inclusion) developed a European Inclusion Strategy for the YiA programme Browse or download it at: Also find there the Get me in! leaflet explaining this Inclusion Strategy to youth workers.

27 How to bring down the EU strategy to national level? SALTO inclusion developed Shaping Inclusion & Inclusion by Design Step-by-step manuals for National Agencies & big youth organisations to develop an effective inclusion strategy.   For NAs For NGOs

28 Looking for further training for NA inclusion officers? The first Staff Training for NA Inclusion Officers by SALTO was organised in 2007 (find the report at From 2008 SALTO organises Inclusion Colleague Support Groups: smaller groups of inclusion officers come together to share challenges and solutions around a specific topic 

29 Looking for an expert or trainer on inclusion? Search Trainers Online for Youth Click search Easy Enter search criteria

30 Looking for an expert or trainer on inclusion? More than 300 experienced int’l trainers in the TOY database INCLUSION Your experienced international youth trainers can also register in TOY! newtrainer/

31 Launch a call for trainers to all trainers in TOY in one go Send your call for trainers to Include information about the course, the aims, the requested trainer profile, the working conditions and payment Usually about 20-25 trainers reply to each call You need a trainer on inclusion quickly?

32 Add your international inclusion courses in the European Training Calendar and reach thousands of visitors monthly Log in with your username or create one Looking for participants for your inclusion activity?

33 Fill in all the fields - simple INCLUSION COURSE Put your activity in the European Training Calendar Click submit Easy COURSE SUMMARY

34 Want to make your inclusion activities better? SALTO Inclusion developed a Quality Charter for organising training activities based on years of inclusion course experience With content considerations With practical organisational tips This is the guideline for SALTO Inclusion courses Get inspired! Or ask us.

35 Looking for material to support inclusion projects? SALTO has developed many support activities & resources that you can offer to youth workers and YiA beneficiaries Yearly SALTO Inclusion courses Overview of Inclusion courses in the European Training Calendar SALTO Inclusion for All booklets Good practice projects with innovative approaches to different inclusion groups Inclusion methods & exercises in the Toolbox for Training & Youth Work  Read the Youth Worker section for moreYouth Worker section

36 Help us to make inclusion tools more accessible You can link to the SALTO resources from your NA website You can mention the Inclusion tools and resources to inclusion workers and in your info material You can translate the SALTO Inclusion for ALL booklets into your languague  Contact for more information &

37 Want to stay updated about SALTO & Inclusion? Register for the monthly SALTO Inclusion newsletter European developments in the field of inclusion New SALTO Inclusion for ALL booklets Announcements of new inclusion material & good practice 

38 What is SALTO & SALTO Inclusion What is SALTO-YOUTH and SALTO Inclusion? supporting inclusion through training, publications and promotion

39 First the question: What is SALTO-YOUTH? SALTO-YOUTH stands for Support and Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities within the Youth in Action programme The 8 SALTO Resource Centres are each based in a different YiA National Agency

40 8 SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres on 8 European Priorities Inclusion Cultural Diversity Participation > Thematic South-East Europe EuroMed cooperation Eastern Europe & Caucasus > Geographic Training and Cooperation Information > Internal

41 Where are the 8 SALTOs based? Inclusion RC Diversity RC Participation RC EuroMed RC Training & Cooperation EECA RC Information RC SEE-Youth RC

42 What does SALTO do? Support to Youth in Action National Agencies & EuroMed Youth Units (cooperation, training, information) Advanced Learning & Training Opportunities within Youth in Action Programme Priority Areas (training, publcations, methods) Develop, Collect and Disseminate Resources for European Youth Work (exercises, methods, publications, newsletters)

43 And SALTO Inclusion? The SALTO Inclusion Mission is to… Provide opportunities for training, exchange & reflection on Inclusion. Develop & spread inclusion resources (methods, publications,…) Visibility & accessibility of inclusion work & resources (website, promotion, newsletter,..) Make ‘inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities’ a widely supported priority. Target Group  For all persons and agencies supporting young people with fewer opportunities (youth/social workers, National Agencies,…)

44 SALTO Inclusion’s training courses SALTO organises several inclusion training courses per year: 2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 TC Inclusion & EVS TC Group Initatives TC Enable – disability TC Inclusion & Sports Basic ID Modules TC Rainbow – LGBT TC (ex)Offenders TC Rural Youth Inclusion Staff Training Urban Youth Seminar TC Minority Women Colleague Support Groups TC Image Building TC Youthpass for ALL TC Working on Work TC Youth at Risk Inclusion in EECA LTTC Urban Youth

45 Exploiting SALTO Inclusion’s courses To make our courses reach further, we turn them into practical inclusion manuals for youth work:

46 Exploiting SALTO Inclusion’s courses A series of practical manuals for working with specific target groups:

47 3 special SALTO Inclusion publications “Shaping Inclusion” developing your inclusion strategy Inclusion through Employability - success criteria for employment projects “Making Waves” higher impact of youth projects

48 Making inclusion resources available SALTO’s Inclusion for ALL youth work manuals can be downloaded and requested from All methods & exercises from our courses are also added in the SALTO Toolbox for Training

49 Making inclusion resources available SALTO sends around an inclusion newsletter 10 times per year about: Announcements of new inclusion training & resources European developments in the field of inclusion Good practices on Inclusion Your inclusion info & contributions 

50 SALTO Inclusion works on quality in training SALTO Inclusion commits itself to its Inclusion Quality Charter for organising training courses  SALTO Inclusion developed and manages the Trainers Online for Youth (TOY) database 

51 SALTO Inclusion’s statistics (2011) 1.450 participants (2000-2011) 20.400 copies of 17 Inclusion booklets 2.150 copies of 4 conference reports & 175.000 times downloaded (2000-2011) 275 inclusion methods online (end 2011) 266.348 visits to Inclusion pages (in 2011) 8 SALTO inclusion newsletters/year To 7.050 newsletter subscribers

52 The SALTO Inclusion Staff at your service Tony Geudens tony@ Marija Kljajic marija@

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