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Background/Facts of the event: 1.Before the Boston Massacre, the colonists who eventually were shot were hanging around, having a peaceful discussion about.

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Presentation on theme: "Background/Facts of the event: 1.Before the Boston Massacre, the colonists who eventually were shot were hanging around, having a peaceful discussion about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background/Facts of the event: 1.Before the Boston Massacre, the colonists who eventually were shot were hanging around, having a peaceful discussion about the Townshend Acts. T/F 2.Before the British soldiers fired at the colonists, many colonists were yelling, throwing things at and daring the soldiers to fire. T/F 3.Just before the British soldiers fired, there were about 8-10 soliders at the scene and there were a large number of colonists at the scene. T/F

2 Document A is titled “A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre” it says it was done by “the soldiers”. The write up also gives information about “the state of things prior to the catastrophe” A1. Check the document…who does the creator seem to blame for the events of March 5, 1770? _______________________________________________ A2. What words from the cover of document A helped you answer question A1? _________________________________________________

3 Document B:This obituary was published in Boston, it states that those who died were “Victims that fell in the bloody massacre” B1. Check the document…who does the creator seem to blame for the events of March 5, 1770? _______________________________________________ B2. What about the words or images document B helped you answer question B1? _________________________________________________ Document B

4 Document C Document C: This account of the Boston Massacre is titled “ A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England”. It was published soon after March 5, 1770. C1. Check the document…who does the creator seem to blame for the events of March 5, 1770? _______________________________________________ C2. What words from the cover of document C helped you answer question C1? _________________________________________________

5 Document E E1. This is the engraving you read about, made (copied?) by Paul Revere. Can you find any items in this picture that Revere put in, although most reports state are not true? ___________________________ _

6 Document C Document A AC1. Take a look at parts of Documents A and C together. What can you estimate about these documents by looking at them side by side? How are they alike? How are they different? ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

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