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ICareer Services Overview. iCareer is… The Individualized Career (iCareer) is…  YOUR career path  YOUR guide to acquiring in-demand skills  YOUR future.

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Presentation on theme: "ICareer Services Overview. iCareer is… The Individualized Career (iCareer) is…  YOUR career path  YOUR guide to acquiring in-demand skills  YOUR future."— Presentation transcript:

1 iCareer Services Overview

2 iCareer is… The Individualized Career (iCareer) is…  YOUR career path  YOUR guide to acquiring in-demand skills  YOUR future

3 Why iCareer? WWhat do you want in life and work? WWhat are your personal and professional goals? WWhat do you need to do to reach your goals? WWhat do you want to do to reach your goals? Join iCareer and find out!

4 iCareer Focus Working together with YOU to… DDesign a career path RReinforce foundational skills AAcquire in-demand job skills SSecure High Skill/High Wage employment IIdentify career laddering opportunities

5 iCareer Goal Assisting YOU to acquire at a minimum, two levels of iCareer Skills. LLevel One - Foundational Skills LLevel Two - Short-Term Certificate LLevel Three: VVocational Certification CCollege Degree

6 Assessing YOUR employment strengths…  Work history  Knowledge  Skills and Abilities  Goals  Barriers Initial Assessment

7 Developing the skills sought by employers:  Basic literacy skills  Work Readiness skills workshops Foundational Skills

8 Basic Literacy Identifying YOUR literacy level…  TABE assessment  Remediation  GED – General Equivalency Diploma  ABE – Adult Basic Education  ESOL – English Speakers of Other Languages

9 Work Readiness Workshops  Appropriate Dress  Resume Writing  Job Application  Interviewing Skills  Financial Literacy Education  Communication Skills  Time Management  Workplace Navigation  Job Keeping  Climbing the Career Ladder Preparing YOU for YOUR iCareer…

10 Center Service Orientation Finding out about…  Employment Services  Center Programs  Center Partners

11 Appropriate Dress Workshop Discovering:  Dress your best for an interview  Interview etiquette  Your image - your confidence

12 Resume Writing Workshop Learning…  The best resume type for YOU  Tips and Tricks  Stand out and get that interview!

13 Job Application Workshop  Finding out what Employers look for…  YOU followed instructions  YOU filled out all areas  YOU spelled words correctly  YOU applied proper grammar

14 Interviewing Skills Workshop Exploring:  Interviewing techniques  Presenting transferable skills  Answering important questions  Nailing that interview

15 Communication Workshop Enhancing….  Interpersonal communication skills  Dispute-resolution skills

16 Time Management Workshop Maximizing… YOUR Time  Planning  Doing  Succeeding!

17 Financial Literacy Education Discovering:  15 Education modules available  Can I afford that?  How to get ready for the future  Understanding credit reports  Managing your debt

18 Workplace Skills Workshops Navigating the Workplace:  Job-keeping skills  Climbing the career ladder

19 Are YOU ready to explore YOUR iCareer? Uncovering what YOU like to do:  YOUR career interest  Local job demand, growth and wage structure  What skills do YOU need to develop  How to develop the needed skills Join us for the following activities:  iCareer exploration and local labor market info session  Career Explorer interest assessment  Occupational Skills Gap Analysis  Job Shadowing – (specific program eligibility applies)

20 Exploring:  In-Demand occupational training programs  Occupational Skills Training  Vocational certification  College diploma  Work-Based training  Internship  On-The-Job Training (OJT) Education and Training

21 Finding out about our Employment Services:  Job development  Job referral and placement  Job retention  Career laddering Employment

22  Veteran Services  Re-Employment Assistance  Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act  Welfare Transition Program  Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program  Ticket to Work Employment Network Programs

23 Partners  AARP  Adult Basic Education  Goodwill  Henkel & McCoy  Job Corps  Vocational Rehabilitation

24 Conclusion Visit our center: Center Staff are available to answer specific questions or provide more information – Remember - please complete a customer survey and place it in the box in the lobby. Visit our website: Or, click on the following link to: Contact UsContact Us

25 An Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers may be reached by persons using TTY equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.

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