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The Church Medieval Europe. Three Estates of Medieval Society Those who pray – The clergy of the Roman Catholic Church Those who fight – Nobles Those.

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Presentation on theme: "The Church Medieval Europe. Three Estates of Medieval Society Those who pray – The clergy of the Roman Catholic Church Those who fight – Nobles Those."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Church Medieval Europe

2 Three Estates of Medieval Society Those who pray – The clergy of the Roman Catholic Church Those who fight – Nobles Those who work – Peasants

3 The Medieval Catholic Church It filled the void left from the collapse of Rome. Monks follow Benedictine Rule poverty, chastity, and obedience. Provided schools for the children of the upper class. Inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war. Scriptorium used for copying books, manuscripts. Served as missionaries to “barbarians”

4 A Medieval Monk’s Day

5 The Power of the Medieval Church The church controlled about 1/3 of the land in Western Europe. Stop heresies: crusades; Inquisition Tithe: 10% of your assets Peter’s Pence  1 penny per person [paid by the peasants].

6 A Medieval Monastery: The Scriptorium

7 Illuminated Manuscripts

8 Gothic Architectural Style Pointed arches. High, narrow vaults. Thinner walls. Flying buttresses. Elaborate & airier interiors. Stained-glass windows.

9 How did stained glass develop? Stained glass added light and beauty to the cathedrals. They also served as a teaching tool about historical religious events.






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