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E-Assessment: Removing the Boundaries of C.A.A. Phil Davies School of Computing University of Glamorgan South Wales UK.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Assessment: Removing the Boundaries of C.A.A. Phil Davies School of Computing University of Glamorgan South Wales UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Assessment: Removing the Boundaries of C.A.A. Phil Davies School of Computing University of Glamorgan South Wales UK

2 Types of Assessment Formative –Ask a question –Get an answer –Are they right?.. Tell them –Explainative Summative –whatever you answer will be judged / graded Can Formative / Summative Mix?

3 Objective / Subjective Testing Objective –Right or wrong … True of False.. Multiple Choice Questions Subjective –Opinion …. Personalised … Essays Can they be Mixed?

4 What are the “perceived” boundaries of C.A.A. Multiple Choice One from three(four) or is it 2(3) from 3(4) Guessing Surface level NOT like the real world No “real” feedback or discussion

5 My first MCQ test 40 Questions / Formative Time Consuming / Difficult to create sensible distracters / Rocket Science I thought … Average 1 minute per question Actual … all finished in ten minutes … apart from one who took 50 minutes Why? No reason to think


7 Stop Guessing!! Impossible Perception (Student) HMC and Confidence Testing Formative + Summative + Continual + Progressive Learn whilst being assessed Degrees of getting question correct


9 On Line Assessment & LEARNING Four Tests Weeks 3,6,9,12 = 5%, 10%, 15% 20% Cumulative Two Passes of SAME test Learning.. Short term? Slowed Down.. Thought about WHEN WRONG.

10 Need Essays Subjective Time consuming marking Lecture Subjective marking Self-Critical reflective skills required Know what to look for? Peer assess others Problem: Why mark properly???







17 Where’s the discussion? Feedback Anonymity “What do you mean by ….” “I did what you asked for in the second paragraph “ “You’ve taken marks off, why?” “I wish I could change my original mark”





22 Examinations Where do we “teach” students how to write exam answers? Why should we be assessing their ability in grammar (or even hand-writing)?? Quantity of an answer = quality? Peer support Support process (random input) Use CPASS => set exam questions

23 But that is just lowering standards!!! Need Exams Week 13/14 of a 15 week module 20 Key Points per Module Five Examination Questions –25% of Module Assessed Answer 3 Out of 5 Questions –15% of Module Assessed 40% Pass Mark … 60% WRONG Feedback …. Learning !!!

24 Assessment Weeks 1-4 Week One Week Two –Set Essay (25%) Week Three –MCQ Test 1 (5%) –Set Exam question 1(CPASS 1) Week Four –Mark CPASS 1 (5%)

25 Assessment Weeks 5-6 Week 5 –Feedback from CPASS 1 –Self-Assess their Essays (5%) Week 6 –MCQ Test 2 (10%) –MCQ Test on Essay Content (5%) –Set 2nd Essay Question CPASS 2

26 Assessment Weeks 7-9 Week 7 –Mark CPASS 2 (5%) –Peer Assess 8 Essays (wk 1) Week 8 –Get feedback from CPASS 2 –Peer Assess Essays (wk 2) Week 9 –Peer Assess Essays (wk 3) –MCQ Test 3 (15%) & Set Essay Q CPASS 3

27 Assessment Weeks 10-11 Week 10 –Mark CPASS 3 (5%) –Remarking and Feedback (2 weeks) (20%) Week 11 –Remarking and Feedback continue –CPASS 3 feedback

28 Assessment Weeks 12-14 Week 12 –MCQ on Essay Content (5%) –MCQ Test 4 (One Pass) (20%) Week 13 –Reflectively Self-Assess their Essay (5%) Week 14 –Exam (50%)

29 Assessment Week 15 Week 15 –Tutor allocates overall mark for marking CPASS & PEER (20%) TOTAL MARKS FOR MODULE = 200%

30 Conclusions Balance Assessment and Learning Assessment hours included in teaching time Student non-attendance due to coursework needs Appropriate methods used for each module.. CAA for the sake of it Over-Assess (=> Learning?)


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