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Android CERN App Mentors: Łukasz Wasylkowski Timur Pocheptsov Fons Rademakers.

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Presentation on theme: "Android CERN App Mentors: Łukasz Wasylkowski Timur Pocheptsov Fons Rademakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Android CERN App Mentors: Łukasz Wasylkowski Timur Pocheptsov Fons Rademakers

2 Overview Content (~60%): o News (rss feeds) Offline storage Social media sharing o Static information (history, physics, accelerators) o Live info o Photos and videos o More info Widget Fragment-based skeleton Layouts for the application as a whole Classes connecting modules Different for phone and tablet ~65% of iOS app

3 Android vs iOS

4 Android API API levels from 1 to 18 Every new API adds new functionality and often changes how things works One needs to implement activities and fragments onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, onRestart, onDestroy

5 Basic concepts Layouts in XML files Activity loads layout and sets listeners Many things can be done statically and programatically Android is very flexible but basic

6 Implementation Menu file –(menu parser)—> Menu Menu consists of menu description and ItemAction objects o ItemAction know what certain menu item shold show and what parameters it needs Item actions are filled by separate classes o Menu file is parsed as menu o But its parts for specific menu items are parsed in their own classes Main activity shows menu and requests fragments from ItemAction

7 Implementation RSS class gets feed URL as parameter RSS downloading class separated First the feed is downloaded, parsed and inserted into database o At this point views can load content Images and descriptions are queued in AsyncTask<> class o They show in view as soon as they’re downloaded o Views have to take care of cancelling requests for downloading if they’re not visible anymore


9 Problems Eclipse o 2 to 10 minutes to install application on emulator o Errors in application caused by IDE (!) (messing up generated R class) Third party libraries o RSS parser o Animated flip view

10 Thank you Thank you

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