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The Language of Working Out. Health and Fitness has a language that you need to understand. This presentation will help you understand the terminology.

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Presentation on theme: "The Language of Working Out. Health and Fitness has a language that you need to understand. This presentation will help you understand the terminology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Language of Working Out

2 Health and Fitness has a language that you need to understand. This presentation will help you understand the terminology used during workouts. Introduction

3 1.Exercise 2.Set 3.Repetition (Rep) 4.Rest Interval 5.Superset 6.Failure 7.1 Rep Max 8.Drop Sets 9.Rest-Pause 10.Forced Reps 11.Negative Rep Phase 12.Positive Rep Phase 13.Cheating Reps 14.Partial Reps 15.Pyramids 16.Ladder Sets 17.Trisets 18.Giant Sets 19.21s 20.HIIT 21.Timed Sets The Terms:

4 Each individual movement that you perform in your workouts. (e.g., a Pushups, Squats, or Mountain Climbers) 1. Exercise

5 Group of repetitions (lifting and lowering your weight) of an exercise after which you take a brief rest period. Example: you complete 10 reps, rest, complete eight more reps, rest again, and repeat for six more reps, you have completed three sets of the exercise. 2. Set

6 The number of times you lift and lower your weight in one set of an exercise. Example: you lift and lower your weight 10 times before resting, you have completed 10 "reps" in one set. 3. Repetition (rep)

7 Pause between sets of an exercise allows muscles to recover partially before beginning next set. Limit rest cycles to 40 seconds if possible. 4. Rest Interval

8 Two exercises are performed consecutively without any rest. Example: perform 10 reps of pushups then 10 reps of mountain climbers without resting in between 5. Superset

9 That point in an exercise at which you have fully fatigued your working muscles and can no longer complete an additional repetition correctly. Example: Pushups during PT testing; you do as many as you can until you can no longer do them 6. Failure

10 The weight that allows a person to go to failure following just one rep. A technique often used during weight training 7. One Rep Max

11 involve the immediate reduction of weight or exercise difficulty between sets with no rest. This will thoroughly burn out a muscle. Also known as strip sets Example: Perform pushups: 1 set 10 reps, no rest, perform inclined pushups (hands on table): 1 set 10 reps, no rest, finish with bent-knee pushups: 1 set 10 reps. 8. Drop Sets

12 Do a set to failure. Rest for 5 to 10 seconds then do a few more reps with the same weight. Do this once or a few times depending on your energy levels and how far you wish to push. Example: Perform as many pull-ups as you can, rest 10 seconds, perform a few more reps not to failure 5 pull-ups, rest 10 seconds, 2 pull-ups… 9. Rest-Pause

13 method of extending a set past the point of failure to induce greater gains in muscle mass and quality. a training partner assists just enough for you to grind out two or three reps past failure. Example: perform pull-ups to failure; without leaving pull-up bar, have partner help you by pushing you up by legs/ankles 10. Forced Reps

14 Performing an exercise movement where you are working against gravity to slowly lower weight. Example 1: starting from up position of pull-ups (chin above bar), slowly lower yourself until fully extended Example 2: starting in Push-up position, slowly lower your bodyweight to the ground. 11. Negative Phase of a Rep

15 Performing an exercise movement where you are pushing or pulling the weight required to complete exercise. Example 1: starting from hanging position of pull-ups (arms extended), pull yourself up Example 2: From pushup rest position (body near ground), push yourself up. 12. Positive phase of a Rep

16 pushing a muscle to keep working far past the point of failure strength building. In cheating you will use a controlled body swing, jerk, or push to assist in completing rep. Example 1, pull-ups: hopping up with legs to assist with a pull-up Example 2 push-ups: start by lying a ground then push your self up 13. Cheating Reps (controlled cheating)

17 Performing an exercise without going through a complete range of motion either at the beginning or end of a rep. Example 1: only performing the negative phase of a rep Example 2: only perform the positive phase of a rep 14. Partial Reps

18 Increasing the weight or difficulty of exercise with each new set while decreasing the number of reps. Example: Bent-knee pushups (1 set, 20 reps), rest, Inclined pushups (1 set, 15 reps), rest, Pushups (1 set, 10 reps), rest The weight or difficulty is then reduced and the reps increased. Example: Pushups (1 set, 5 reps), rest, Inclined pushups (1 set, 10 reps), rest, Bent- knee pushups (1 set, 15 reps), rest 15. Pyramids or Pyramid Sets

19 Up the Ladder Performing an exercise starting with one rep. With each new set, increase the number of reps by one. Down the Ladder Continue the same exercise from the highest rep number and reduce by one. With each new set, decrease the number of reps by one. Example: 1 st set 1 rep, 2 nd set 2 reps, 3 rd set 3 reps, 4 th set 2 reps, 5 th set 1 rep 16. Ladder Sets

20 Three exercises are performed consecutively without any rest. Example: 10 reps of Mountain climbers, no rest, 10 reps of Push ups, no rest, 10 reps of Curl ups, rest. 17. Tri-sets

21 Four or more exercises are performed consecutively without any rest. Note: Giant Sets are extremely intense. Great care should be taken when attempting giant sets. 18. Giant Sets

22 7 reps are performed in the lower half of the motion Next, 7 reps are performed in the upper half, Finally, set is finished with 7 complete reps. 19. Twenty-ones

23 Cardio training method exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes at low intensity with short bursts of high intensity throughout exercise. Example: 30 minutes of jogging were after 1 minute of low intensity you sprint for 30 seconds then return to another minute of low intensity. Repeat until 30 minutes are reached 20. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

24 Performing an exercise or group of exercised for a designated duration, to include rest cycle, as opposed to counting reps. Example: 30 second block of flutter kicks; 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest equals 1 set. Minimum of 4 sets recommended 21. Timed Sets

25 Bench Press - 5x4, 45 secs Bench Press - 5 sets of 4 reps, 45 seconds rest These examples would be read as: "Perform 5 sets of Bench Press at 4 reps each. Rest for 45 seconds between each set." Basic Examples of Workout logs:

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