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Bellwork for January 9, 2013 Write in your agendas. …Identify and analyze figurative language (i.e., hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, pun)

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork for January 9, 2013 Write in your agendas. …Identify and analyze figurative language (i.e., hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, pun)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork for January 9, 2013 Write in your agendas. …Identify and analyze figurative language (i.e., hyperbole, simile, metaphor, personification, pun) within context. Complete the following sayings: 1.Life is like __________________. 2.I’m going to sleep like ________________. 3.He’s as fast as ________________. 4.Those sisters fight like ______________.

2 Wanderer: a person who moves from place to place and has no permanent home. Nomad: a member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals. Tramp: someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place, often asking for food or money. Hoarder: a collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them later. Gurgles: flows along gently with a low sound. Hums: to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed. Vexed: old-fashioned to make someone annoyed or worried. Gobbled: to eat something very quickly especially in an impolite or greedy way.

3 Can You Solve the Riddle of the Structure of this Poem? Do NOT open your envelope until instructed! You will work with your group members to try to arrange this poem in the correct order. Watch the screen for the clues. “The River” -- I am the title – notice my “jacket” of quotations? - titles of poems need quotations I am stanza 1 My first line is a metaphor The River is personified as a “he” Is he lost? I am stanza 2 My Line 5 of this whole poem is a metaphor This stanza reminds me of driving through Tennessee to Gatlinburg With three 5 year olds – oh my! I am stanza 3 My Line 9 of this whole poem is a metaphor Captain Jack Sparrow might just be this River So, the River is personified as a collector.

4 Can You Solve the Riddle of the Structure of this Poem? Do NOT open your envelope until instructed! You will work with your group members to try to arrange this poem in the correct order. Watch the screen for the clues. I am stanza 4 My Line 13 of this whole poem is a metaphor Can a River be pregnant? I am stanza 5 My line 17 is a metaphor I should be on the X Factor! I am stanza 6 I am the last stanza My line 21 is a metaphor Wow, what a change in tone! Now I am scared.

5 Listen to see if you organized your poem correctly. ive/ ive/ What did you learn today about the structure of a poem? Paraphrase each stanza Write your own

6 It is like the warmth provided on a summer day. It welcomes happiness with every ray. It’s a smile when I need it most. Before the end of the day. What color am I? ~Mrs. Burford Write a rough draft before putting the final draft in your packet and illustrating it! Choose a color in your mind. Line 1– Simile comparing the color to something associated with it Line 2 – Personify it Line 3 - Metaphor comparing the color to something else Line 4 – Prepositional phrase telling where Line 5 – What color am I? Color Riddle Poems


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