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Sociological Abstracts Combining search terms with Boolean operators University Library next = click.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociological Abstracts Combining search terms with Boolean operators University Library next = click."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociological Abstracts Combining search terms with Boolean operators University Library next = click

2 Use the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT to combine search terms AND : all terms must occur (restrict) OR : at least one of the terms must occur (expand) NOT : a term must not occur (restrict) computers AND education computers OR education computers NOT education green = search result

3 AND = each title contains all search terms Example: internet, adolescents and females

4 internet adolescents females


6 OR = each title contains at least one of the search terms children


8 NOT = excludes a search term socialization


10 Summary To narrow use AND To broaden use OR To exclude use NOT

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