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Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers Multiply Decimals by Decimals

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Presentation on theme: "Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers Multiply Decimals by Decimals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers Multiply Decimals by Decimals
Objective: I will multiply multi- digit decimals using standard algorithm MAFS.6.NS.2.3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

2 Do Now Something that weighs 1 lb on Earth weighs 0.17 lb in the moon. How much would a 4 lb dumbbell weigh on the moon?

3 Multiplying Decimals Vocabulary: Product: the result of multiplying.

4 Multiplying Decimals Andrew runs 2.25 miles. Isabella walks 5 times as far. How far does Isabella walk? Data: 2.25 (decimal) 5 (whole number) Step 1: Ignore decimal points and multiply as you would with whole numbers. 2.25 (2 decimal points) x 5 (0 decimal points)

5 Multiplying Decimals Step 2: Find the total number of decimal places in both numbers. Total 2 decimal places Step 3: Place the decimal point so that the number of decimal places in the product equals the total number of decimal places in the factors. 11.2 5

6 Multiplying Decimals Your turn: Find the product 0.3 x 0.4 0.07 x 0.8

7 Multiplying decimals Reflection: Describe a situation that involves multiplication of decimals and write a word problem about it.

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