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1 Creating a Video Engagement Strategy Tom Fuller | Oregon Department of Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Creating a Video Engagement Strategy Tom Fuller | Oregon Department of Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Creating a Video Engagement Strategy Tom Fuller | Oregon Department of Transportation

2 Who is this guy? Tom Fuller Communications Manager – Oregon Department of Transportation  Communications background  Also do some web application development  Over 20 years in television news  TV Documentary production experience  Nearly 15 years state government communications/marketing  Led Oregon’s and Social Media Guidelines  Chair state of Oregon E-governance Board  Extensive work in government video engagement 2

3 Why Video? 3

4 Why video? Hard Wired Video Lives Print’s Dead

5 What is Video Engagement?

6 “Using video to tell stories that embed the organization’s key messages in an engaging way.” 6

7 What is Video Engagement? 7 NOBORINGVIDEOS

8 What makes a good video? 8  Tells a good story  Authentic, not preachy  Not boring (he says again)  Visuals & audio enhancements  Lively pacing  Length (ie: short)  About people  Audience focused

9 What’s different about this approach?  A strategy is a plan of action to achieve a major or overall goal.  A video engagement strategy is not just doing a bunch of videos  To engage – the videos must focus on:  Personal stories that lend credibility to organizational goals.  Pictures lead the story, not words.  Emotion and impact as much as fact.  Engagement connotes relationship. Sharing a video is not a one-way experience. We inform, interact, & collaborate  We need to create momentum, and interaction. 9

10 Steps in a video engagement strategy

11 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy 1. Strategize 2. Generate ideas 3. Production 4. Publication 11 5. Marketing 6. Engagement 7. Measurement

12 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Strategize 12  Who  What  Key messages  Clear purpose  Best sites  Marketing strategy

13 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Get ideas 13  Sources  Think series  4 story types:  Wow, cool or cute  Impact  Behind the scenes  Universal themes

14 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Produce 14

15 Video & Editing Equipment 15 Video Equipment List ItemActual CostPurchased Via Canon EOS 70D DSLR Camera with 18-135mm IS STM Lens Black $1,349.00 Amazon SanDisk Ultra 16gb SDHC UHS-1 Class 10 Memory Card (x10) $118.90 Amazon Ravelli Tripod with Fluid Head $149.69 Amazon Genaray LED-7500T 320 LED Variable Color On-Camera Light $179.00 B&H Photo/Video Sennheiser EW 112P G3-A omni-directional EW System $629.95 Amazon Sennheiser Shotgun Mic $199.00 Amazon Final Cut Pro for Mac (for HQ) - download $299.00 Camera Bag $56.95 Amazon GoPro HERO4 Silve $399.00 B&H Photo/Video Ravelli ATD Tripod Dolly $35.69 Amazon Micro SD Memory Card 16GB (x3) $31.97 Amazon Go Pro Accessory Kit $49.99 Amazon Refectors $13.50 Amazon VideoScribe$198 Per Year Camtasia$89 Reflector Holder arm $19.95 Amazon Total$3,818.59 Add a MacBook Pro for about $2,000

16 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Produce 16 1. Shoot  Pick a Style

17 Interview or Natural Sound Style Video 17  No narration  Walk interview subject(s) through all aspects of the story including location and description of visuals  Edit between “bites” with cover video  Appealing because people tend to tune out the narrator’s voiceover.  This is your “go to” style

18 Stand Up Style Video 18  Narrator appears on camera in a series of “stand ups”  Good for “showing” and “involvement” type of videos  Need talent that can make this work

19 Reporter Style Video 19  Combination of narration and “sound bites” but done like a news story, not a documentary  Can get past the “government video” barrier if done well  Need talent that can make this work

20 Raw Video Style Video 20  No narration or interviews  Shots with natural sound strung together with minimal editing  Designed so others can take and edit with this video  Used when news media or others cannot get to a scene or place

21 Documentary Style Video 21  Narrated, often with music  Your least “go to” style  Most government videos done in this style

22 Time-lapse Video 22  Awesome for showing processes over time  Can stand on their own or be incorporated into other videos  Use a GoPro and possibly a motorized dolly ($39 - $2,000+)  Examples: SF Bay Bridge  Oregon DMV

23 Drones 23  Awesome video potential  Rules are coming/changing  Kids, don’t try this at home!  Password is: ODOT

24 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Produce 24 1. Shoot  Pick a style  Interviews  Lighting  Composition  Cutaways  Questions  Cover Video 2. Log your bites & video 3. Edit

25 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Publish 25  Output in HD  Choose a platform  Create playlists  Use meaningful titles & good tagging  Learn video settings  Descriptions help

26 Publication/Distribution  Started in 2005  2 nd largest search engine  1 billion unique visitors per month  6 billion hours viewed each month 26  Started July, 2008  702 subscribers  641,000 views  378 videos

27 Distribution for News Media 27  has downgraded quality to below 1080i  May need to use alternate like or OneDrive

28 Recent Oregon DOT YouTube Most Popular Videos All Time 28 How to install tire chains Views: 125,000 Length: 9:53 Type: How to Grader School Views: 51,000 Length: 2:36 Type: Behind the Scenes Pit Fire Drive Through Views: 16,802 (10k 1 st day) Length: :52 Type: Behind the Scenes Rock Blasting Mt Hood Views: 15,000 Length: 1:16 Type: Behind the Scenes

29 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Market 29  Invite viewers  Social media  Stakeholders  Media  Other streams  Encourage sharing

30 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Engage 30  Read comments  Respond & redirect  Moderation

31 7 Steps in a Video Engagement Strategy Measure 31  YouTube analytics  Who is watching  Engagement (how long they watched)  Views over time

32 What next?  Don’t focus on one video (what if it bombs?)  Focus on posting videos regularly. Fresh content attracts viewers  Your videos will become your brand  Decide on a style(s) – quirky, smart, fun, heart-strings, soft, hard  Create an editorial calendar  Get ideas from management meetings/councils  What new regulations or programs are coming up?  What are regular things that happen every year?  What are you using printed press releases for that could be engaging videos?  But leave room for those “wow” moments that come up. 32

33 ODOT Video Engagement Strategy Key Messages:  ODOT is a good steward of the state transportation system  ODOT’s work is about communities and people  ODOT’s staff is a group of dedicated people who respond quickly and work hard to find good solutions to transportation issues Key Styles:  Short, interview or natural sound videos  Behind the scenes  How to  Inform and entertain creatively 33

34 Thank you! Questions? Contact me: Tom Fuller Playlist: 34

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