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Stellarator-Related MHD Research H. Neilson MHD Science Focus Group meeting December 12, 2008 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Stellarator-Related MHD Research H. Neilson MHD Science Focus Group meeting December 12, 2008 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stellarator-Related MHD Research H. Neilson MHD Science Focus Group meeting December 12, 2008 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008

2 Hutch Neilson 2 Motivation Goal: Understand benefits and risks of 3D shaping in MFE machine design. Ripple due to discrete coils ELM control perturbations Field errors External rotational transform (“stellarators”) Benefits Stabilize MHD modes. Eliminate disruptions Reduce or eliminate external current drive Reduce bootstrap current requirements for more robust steady-state scenario. Sources of Risk (to fab., assembly, maintenance) Geometry of the coils Tight tolerances

3 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008 Hutch Neilson 3 Geometry Depends on Design Objectives - Allen Boozer

4 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008 Hutch Neilson 4 Complexity Depends on Aspect Ratio

5 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008 Hutch Neilson 5 Shaping Required to Address Physics Issues – Allen Boozer Long Poe Ku

6 MHD Science Focus Group, Dec. 12, 2008 Hutch Neilson 6 Research Plans: Improve Physics Metrics Used in Design Improve understanding of stellarator beta limits & limiting mechanisms Experiments on LHD- optimize configuration Equilibrium reconstruction Equilibrium code benchmarking Improve understanding of plasma sensitivity to field perturbations Study plasma response using perturbed equilibrium code. Improve targeting of field errors in design of coils, including trim coils. Connects to tokamak field perturbation studies for ELM coils, ripple. Improve designs Improve engineering metrics for config. design, i.e. quantify “simple”. Explore design space around tokamaks- weak to strong 3D shaping? Understand risk-benefit tradeoffs. Can we use 3D shaping to design a better magnetic configuration for MFE?

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