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Listen to 30 seconds of each song and remember the style. 1. 2.

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1 Listen to 30 seconds of each song and remember the style. 1. 2. 3. skip to 1 minute


3 Dance wORD WoRd


5 Create a band I don’t wanna hang out with a bunch of wannabe corporate sell outs. I’m gonna form my own band and we’re gonna start a revolution, OK? And you’re gonna be a funny little footnote on my epic ass! Jack Black, school of rock. You are going to create and manage a band, including all the electronic promotion material: Logo Website App/game Digital Advert Budget

6 Step 1: Creating the band identity and logo

7 Logo Learning Outcomes Essential: To create a simple logo with one image and simple editing. Stretch: To create a logo relevant to the audience, with 2 images, text and some complex editing techniques. Challenge: To create a professional logo with a clear house style and genre. Combine images well and use multiple complex editing techniques.

8 Task 1: Create your band Name of band Psycho Swimmers Band members and roles Sam, Rhys, Oliver, Kory and Jack Music genre Rock! Target audience/fan base 13 + Public image It’s all positive language but once or twice we will use a bad work. Your band’s message We will rock your night. Band Name Rule 1.It can be no more than two words (excluding THE). Band Name Rule 1.It can be no more than two words (excluding THE).

9 Task 2: Research Use Google images to find 5 logos that represent a music band Logo Example numberSource URL 1 2 3. 4. _heavy_metal_usa_custom_band_logo__by_moonringdesign-d7q392w.jpg 5. content/uploads/2014/01/GASMASK_BLK-540x540.jpg

10 Task 3: Analysis Decide what the common features are, and what you like and dislike about the logos. There are examples of reviews on the next slide No.FeaturesLikesDislike 1 Rock. 2 Neon drawings. 3 Colourful logos. 4 Funky text. 5 Guy wearing a top hat and gas mask.

11 Example reviews Essential: I like the colours used and the picture looks funky. I don’t like the font that has been used. Essential: I like the colours used and the picture looks funky. I don’t like the font that has been used. Stretch: I like the colours used, as it is only black and greens and makes the image clear to read. The picture of a frog matches the name of the band. I don’t like the font as it is very bland and old fashioned. Challenge: This is a pop band, aiming at a young audience. The image of a frog is funky and young in style which suits the band. The colour scheme is black and green, which is very bold and easy to read, so it is easy for the audience to pick out. It also ties into the name because of the use of green, the most common colour of a frog. I don’t think the font is suitable because it looks very old fashioned and this is meant to be a young band.

12 Task 4: Create Your Logo You must create an original logo for you band. It must: Be one you have created yourself using digital tools Have at least one image included. Have a style that shows what kind of music your band will play. Have no more than 3 colours. Be no larger than 600x600 pixels.

13 Logo difficulty Essential: To create a simple logo with one image and simple editing. Stretch: To create a logo relevant to the audience, with 2 images, text and some complex editing techniques. Challenge: To create a professional logo with a clear house style and genre. Combine images well and use multiple complex editing techniques.

14 Print screen of your logo first draft When you have complete the first draft of your logo place it here.

15 Task 5: Peer reviews Feedback ProviderPositive aspectsAreas to improve Test Buddy 1Good workColour Test Buddy 2Cool use of picsMore pictures

16 Task 6: improvements 3 improvements I would like to make to my logo are: 1. colour. 2. amount of pictures on there. 3. more things to do with the name.

17 Print screen of your improved logo Stretch: Can you annotate to identify what has been improved. Challenge: Your annotation needs to explain why the changes improve the logo for the target audience. Stretch: Can you annotate to identify what has been improved. Challenge: Your annotation needs to explain why the changes improve the logo for the target audience.

18 Review How did you make your logo style match your bands style? Yes, nice and blue. What graphics skills did you need to use to make the logo? Cropping, removing white backgrounds and using tools in ps. Think of a problem that you had and explain how you solved it. A problem I had was that one of the picture had some writing on and had to cut it out. What feedback did you receive from your test buddy? Was this useful? Yes it gave me areas to improve. What could be improved about your logo?The amount of pics.

19 Spelling and Grammar Matter How are you getting on with spelling, punctuation and grammar in your review work? LevelDescription of performanceStudentTeacher 0 I am still trying to spell words correctly and write in full sentences which start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. I am still trying to use some ICT key words in my answer. 1 I can spell some words correctly and often use full sentences which start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. There are some mistakes but my meaning is still clear. I have used one or two ICT key words appropriately. 2-3 I can spell most words correctly and write in full sentences nearly all the time. My basic punctuation e.g. commas and question marks is generally accurate and I have used a range of ICT keywords appropriately. 4-5 I can spell accurately and use punctuation including commas, question marks, speech marks etc. accurately. My meaning is clear and well expressed and I have used a wide range of ICT key words appropriately and effectively. Set yourself a literacy target for the next assessment:

20 ChecklistSectionComplete Band description Logo Research Logo Analysis (essential) Logo Analysis (stretch) Logo Analysis (challenge) Logo creation (essential) Logo creation (stretch) Logo creation (challenge) Peer review collected Improvements planned Improvements made Final logo Final logo (annotated stretch) Final logo (annotated challenge) Please use green and yellow to indicate what tasks have been completed. Started Complete You can change the colour on the home tab by looking for the shape fill bucket

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