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Social Innovation and Self Directed Support (Dundee) Mark Han-Johnston 4 th February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Innovation and Self Directed Support (Dundee) Mark Han-Johnston 4 th February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Innovation and Self Directed Support (Dundee) Mark Han-Johnston 4 th February 2016

2 SDSS: Who we are Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) is a national membership organisation We are a User-Led, Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) We actively promote Independent Living by supporting, working with and championing the aims of Self-directed Support disabled people's organisations Provide a national campaigning voice for member organisations We also work with Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector Organisations, NHS Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Universities and Colleges to raise awareness of SDS and guide organisations through the changes

3 SDSS: What we do Raise awareness of SDS and the principles behind it Promote the Social Model of Disability and the philosophy of the Independent Living Movement Research best practice, identify examples of good practice in SDS and report back to member organisations and others We develop resources, materials and training for our member organisations and deliver presentations to promote self-directed support (SDS) and the principles it stands for Work with other national/local organisations and agencies Offer SDS best practice resources

4 Overall aim of the Independent Living Movement: ‘Our overall objective is to deliver real choice and control for disabled people in all areas of life, and all parts of Scotland, ensuring their dignity and respect at all times as full, and active, equal citizens of Scotland’. ‘Our Shared Vision for Independent Living in Scotland (Scottish Government)’ (March 2013)

5 What is Self Directed Support (SDS)? SDS is intended to support, promote and protect the human rights and independent living of people using care and support services in Scotland SDS aims to ensure that care and support is delivered in a way that maximises choice and control over one‘s own life SDS is about enabling people to live as independently as possible in the way that they want to SDS is about supporting a more equal process to identify and put in place the support that people need in life SDS is about shifting power, choice and control to people needing support SDS is about enabling a more creative and individualised approach to support SDS is about offering a mechanism (4 options) to enable the above to happen

6 Let’s think about something different: Social Enterprise – a different fruit?

7 What is Social Enterprise? ‘Social enterprise is a dynamic and inspiring way of doing business. Social enterprises are innovative, independent businesses that exist to deliver a specific social and/or environmental mission’. Social Enterprise Scotland

8 A new language: Business

9 Lets think about Innovation:

10 What is Social Innovation? ‘Social innovation refers to new ideas that work in meeting social goals’ Social Innovation: what it is, why it matters and how it can be Accelerated – (Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship - Oxford) ‘Social innovation can be defined as the development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) to meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations’ Guide to Social Innovation - (European Commission Feb 2013)

11 Key aspects of Social Innovation? (1)Creating a New Combination: New combinations of existing things, rather than being wholly new in themselves (eg combining ideas, people and resources) (2) Cutting across Traditional Boundaries: Putting ideas into practice involves cutting across organisational boundaries (3) Enable New Relationships to be developed: Create new social relationships between previously separate individuals and groups which matter greatly to the people involved

12 How does Social Innovation relate to SDS? SDS is about shifting power, choice and control to people needing support SDS is about enabling a more creative and individualised approach to support Is about realising the goals of Independent Living Developing new ideas Meeting a social need as identified by local people Starting with the individual and relationships rather than systems Creating new social relationships and collaborations Self Directed Support: Social Innovation:

13 Social Enterprise (SE) compared to Self Directed Support (SDS): There are 5 essential elements of a social enterprise: 1)A Social Enterprise (SE) is a business - selling goods and services. Their aim is to achieve social benefit for people. 2) Any profits are reinvested in the business or community. 3) If the business closes, any money left will be reinvested in another organisation with similar aims and objectives. This is called ‘asset locking’. 4)They are different from charities and voluntary organisations who do not want to trade to raise money. 5) Social Enterprises are separate from the public sector. The essential elements of Self Directed Support: 1)SDS is intended to support, promote and protect the human rights and independent living of care and support users in Scotland 2)It aims to ensure that care and support is delivered in a way that supports choice and control over one‘s own life 3)SDS is about shifting power, choice and control to people needing support 4)SDS is about enabling a more creative and individualised approach to support 5)SDS is about respecting a person‘s right to participate in society as an equal citizen

14 The Challenge:

15 We can all be Innovative: ‘Sometimes innovation is presented as a distraction from efficiency and performance management. The truth is that any competent leadership should be able to do both – with time, money and management effort devoted to each of these horizons, and appropriate organisational structures and cultures for each task’ ‘Social Innovation: what it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated’ Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (Oxford)

16 What do we need to do to develop Innovation in SDS? Social Innovation User driven Commissioning (Policies and Procedures to enable this) Provide Leadership and Structures suited to Innovation – Local Authority and Health and Social Care Partnerships (Cultural change) Clear, accessible information for all on Innovation and SDS Finance – appropriately funded SDS budgets Training and Support for all (Service Users, Staff and Carers) Permission and support to Innovate and take risks (Cultural change) Connectors: People to support and develop new relationships Some ideas – there will be many more: Examples of success Resources

17 Further Information, Advice and Support: Social Innovation research/skoll/research/social-innovation-reports-resources research/skoll/research/social-innovation-reports-resources

18 Support, information and further advice SDS: Self Directed Support Information and Support Services across Scotland: Not-for-profit support providers in your local area across Scotland: SDS National Guides (for service users, carers and practitioners) Scottish Government and SDS: Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS):

19 Thank you for listening

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