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 Aloft Aloft  Autopilot Autopilot  Descend Descend  Engine Engine  Flaps Flaps  Launch Launch  Propel Propel  Propeller Propeller  Radar Radar.

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Presentation on theme: " Aloft Aloft  Autopilot Autopilot  Descend Descend  Engine Engine  Flaps Flaps  Launch Launch  Propel Propel  Propeller Propeller  Radar Radar."— Presentation transcript:

1  Aloft Aloft  Autopilot Autopilot  Descend Descend  Engine Engine  Flaps Flaps  Launch Launch  Propel Propel  Propeller Propeller  Radar Radar  thrust thrust End show

2 Meaning: upwards, high up, or in a higher position. Return to glossary.

3 Meaning: a control in the steering system of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft that can be set to put or keep it on a steady course. Return to glossary.

4 Meaning: to go down a staircase, hill, valley, or other downward incline. Return to glossary.

5 Meaning: a machine that converts an energy source into mechanical power or motion. Return to glossary

6 Meaning: to cause something to move or sway in one direction and then another repeatedly and often noisily, or move in this way. Return to glossary

7 Meaning: to send a rocket, missile, or spacecraft into the air or the upper atmosphere. Return to glossary

8 Meaning: to move or push somebody or something forwards. Return to glossary

9 Meaning: a revolving shaft with spiral blades that causes a ship or an aircraft to move by the backward thrust of water or air. Return to glossary

10 Meaning: a system that uses reflected radio waves to determine the presence, location, and speed of distant objects. The system has military, policing, and navigational applications. Examples of its uses include the location of enemy aircraft or ships and the monitoring of vehicle speeds. Return to glossary

11 Meaning: to push somebody or something with a single movement of considerable force. Return to glossary

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