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ITEC 370 Lecture 20 Testing. Review Questions? Project update on F Test plan –Sections –How / when to use it.

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Presentation on theme: "ITEC 370 Lecture 20 Testing. Review Questions? Project update on F Test plan –Sections –How / when to use it."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITEC 370 Lecture 20 Testing

2 Review Questions? Project update on F Test plan –Sections –How / when to use it

3 Testing Objectives Test plan –What, Why, How, Who –Explain what to test, how to test it, and why

4 Testing Bugs Found a bug… –What do you do? How would you communicate that the bug?

5 Testing Concerns Is a bug open or closed –History For open bugs… –Unconfirmed –New –Assigned –Reopened –Ready

6 Testing Concerns Closed bugs –Resolved –Verified Invalid Won’t fix Duplicate Worksforme Incomplete

7 Testing Severity Blocker Critical Major Normal Minor Trivial

8 Testing Managing bugs Email Google docs Bugzilla (Open source / free) Others

9 Testing Tour of bugzilla Web

10 Testing Issues How do you use bugzilla for your project? What phases is bugzilla useful for? When should outside users have access to bugzilla? Should you have an internal and an external bugzilla?

11 Testing Developers Consider a standard programmer… How often should they check bugzilla How often should they work on bugs? What bugs should they work on?

12 Testing Testers How do testers find the bugs? How much detail is needed when reporting? How do you classify the severity of a bug? Do the testers follow up on bugs reported?

13 Testing Managers How can you tell when bugs are being fixed at a reasonable rate? When is it safe to “release” a piece of software? Who is the best bug fixer? How do you measure quantity over quality for testers / developers?

14 Testing Review Bugzilla –Usage –Description Next time –Interface testing

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