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Hydrodynamics Continuity equation Notation: Lagrangian derivative

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1 Hydrodynamics Continuity equation Notation: Lagrangian derivative
Mass conservation: Time rate of change of mass density must balance mass flux into/out of a volume, hence the divergence of v in the Eulerian case

2 Hydrodynamics Euler’s equation (equation of motion)
Time rate of change of velocity at a point plus change in velocity between two points separated by ds = total change in the Lagrangian velocity which must = the sum of forces on a fluid element

3 Hydrodynamics Energy Equation
Time rate of change of kinetic + internal energy must balance divergence of mass flux carrying temperature or enthalpy change

4 Hydrodynamics Sound waves
Pressure and density are perturbed in sound waves such that P = P0+P’ ;  = 0+ ’ ; P’ or ’ << P0 or 0 Evaluate the hydro eqns neglecting small quantities of 2nd order

5 Hydrodynamics Sound waves Assuming adiabaticity we get
with the above eqns and defining we can construct a dispersion relation and eqn of motion

6 Hydrodynamics Sound waves
So Mach number of flow corresponds to compressibility of fluid

7 Hydrostatic Equilibrium
HSE and nuclear burning responsible for stars as stable and persistent objects HSE is a feedback process PT, so as compression increases T, P increases, countering gravity, with the converse also true

8 Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Start from hydro eqn of motion Forces from pressure gradient and gravity equal & opposite If gravity and pressure are not in equilibrium, there are accelerations Lagrangian coordinates

9 Virial Theorem The virial theorem describes the balance between internal energy and gravitational potential energy, whether internal energy is microscopic motions of fluid particles or orbital motions of galaxies in a cluster HSE is a special case of the virial theorem, so we can use it to study the stability of stars

10 Virial Theorem

11 Virial Theorem For ideal gas  = 5/3 For radiation gas  = 4/3
Gravitationally bound Half of potential energy into L, half into heating For radiation gas  = 4/3 W = 0 Unbound

12 Understanding the Mass-Luminosity Relation

13 Understanding the Mass-Luminosity Relation
How do we make sense of stellar lifetimes? t ~ Enuc/L Enuc M easy so complexities enter into L(M) M 0.01 1 40 150 t(yr) 1012 1010 3x106

14 Understanding the Mass-Luminosity Relation
Relation of pressure to luminosity At low masses ~1 HSE requires fg=-fp T doubling M requires doubling T, so L16L LM4

15 Understanding the Mass-Luminosity Relation
Relation of pressure to luminosity At high masses 0 HSE requires fg=-fp T4 doubling M requires doubling P, T21/4T L2L LM tL/M t M-3 at low mass and t  const at high mass

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