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Objective 11.01 Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social life in America.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 11.01 Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social life in America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 11.01 Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social life in America.

2 Duck and Cover Strategy to survive a nuclear attack/ Public schools had drills/ Bert the turtle advertised how to do this

3 Fallout Shelter Designed to protect occupants from a nuclear attack

4 National Security Act, 1947 Established the CIA to gather intelligence information on other countries

5 House Un-American Activities Committee Investigated the effects of communism in the US. Investigated possible communist ties in Hollywood in 1947

6 Alger Hiss Investigated by the House Un-Americans Activities Committee as a communist spy, found guilty of perjury and sentenced to prison

7 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Were executed after being found guilty of giving nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union

8 Hollywood Blacklist Writers, actors, musicians, and other entertainment professionals that were denied employment because of suspected communist ties

9 The National Highway Act 1956 Plan was to build a series of interstate highways that would connect the nation

10 Selective Service System The Draft- re-instituted to enlist men in the military to fight in Vietnam

11 New Left Associated with college students and protests of the 1960’s and 1970’s, supported mainly liberal causes

12 Détente These easing of international tensions in the 1970’s, thawing of the Cold War

13 SALT I and II Negotiations between the US and the Soviet Union to limit the stockpile of nuclear weapons available to both countries

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