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Notebook Entry – Right Side Response to Critical Thinking Question What actually happened….

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1 Notebook Entry – Right Side Response to Critical Thinking Question What actually happened….


3 Critical Thinking Question A General agreement that the missiles in Cuba represented a grave threat Only Secretary of State – Robert McNamara - argued that the missiles in Cuba only amounted to redressing the imbalance represented by US missiles in Turkey US had 140 ICBMs; Soviets had 40 ICBMs The placement of missiles in Cuba addressed the imbalance by making short-range nuclear missiles a serious threat. Kennedy and his advisors (ExCom) worried the president would appear weak to the Soviets and encourage acts of aggression


5 Critical Thinking Question B Early discussions in ExCom meetings were dominated by those who advocated airstrikes to take out the missiles In end, decided on blockade Eventually used term “Quarantine” – less threatening



8 Critical Thinking Question C US Policy makers were under extreme pressure as the blockade was enforced. US military on full alert B-52 bombers loaded with nuclear weapons were in the air at all times In the end the Soviets honored the blockade and stated that they would withdraw its missiles from Cuba if the US ended the blockade, promised never to invade Cuba again and withdrew its missiles from Turkey. Publically Kennedy said he would only agree to the first two demands but secretly he said he would withdraw the missiles from Turkey if the Soviets kept it a secret. Khrushchev agreed. The missiles from Turkey and Cuba were removed.

9 1.Identify two symbols used in this cartoon and tell what each of them stands for. 2.In one paragraph (at least 5 sentences!) explain how this cartoon relates to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Use examples to support your statements.

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