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. PR.E 8 rev. 1.1The content of this presentation is confidential Teleco S.p.A. TD 604 Presentation (E1 data termination)

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Presentation on theme: ". PR.E 8 rev. 1.1The content of this presentation is confidential Teleco S.p.A. TD 604 Presentation (E1 data termination)"— Presentation transcript:

1 . PR.E 8 rev. 1.1The content of this presentation is confidential Teleco S.p.A. TD 604 Presentation (E1 data termination)

2 The content of this presentation is confidential TD 604 functional block diagram E1 G.703 V.36/V.35/V.11 Nx64 SubscriberNetwork

3 The content of this presentation is confidential TD 604 implements 3 functions in only one device Network termination It fixes the border between the manager and the subscriber,it implements the maintenance functions of the line managed by network. Interface converter It implements the simple function of interface converter, from G.703 interface to 2048 Kbit/s to V.35/V.36/V.11 data interface with speed Nx64 Kbit/s Traffic drop-insert Join together the traffic that comes from the subscriber interfaces towards the network interfaces.

4 The content of this presentation is confidential Network termination Possible users: Network carriers Functions: Test loop Remote management configuration Remote management alarms Rete MUX ADM TD604T ROUTER TD604T ROUTER DTE

5 The content of this presentation is confidential Interface converter Possible users: Little carriers Motorway Electric power distributors Functions: Point to point connection Interface conversion –G.703 2048Kbit/s => V.36 Nx64 Kbit/s –G.703 2048Kbit/s => V.35 Nx64 Kbit/s –G.703 2048Kbit/s => V.11 Nx64 Kbit/s G.703 V.36/V.35/V.11

6 The content of this presentation is confidential Drop-insert Possible users: Little carriers Motorway Electric power distributors Functions: Drop-insert of more data DTE (V.36/V.35/V.11) on only one E1 stream G.703 (distance up to 2Km) G.703 X/V Building A Building B

7 The content of this presentation is confidential TD 604 advantages Small dimensions Low power consumption (<2W) Low price Availability to develop a protocol of custom management

8 The content of this presentation is confidential Conclusions The TD 604 Network Termination can be placed in the high band of the market thanks to the implemented functions, even if it has a cost on a avarage lower in comparison with the competitors. Furthermore, the big flexibility of the TELECO product allows the introduction of specific functionalities required by customer.

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