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2 Targets: What’s a Target?
A Target must have: X-Y Position A ‘Target’ can have: Name Depth Associated GeoTIF Offset information Distance Bearing You can make targets: By pressing ‘F5’ in SURVEY. By double-clicking in SURVEY’s Area Map window. Using the Target Editor. Marking Targets in SBMAX, MBMAX, HYSWEEP SURVEY or SIDESCAN SURVEY. Marking Targets in the Sub-Bottom Device Window.

3 Targets: Old Style versus Alarm Targets
Default style targets (radius circles about the marker) Alarm style targets with name, distance to vessel and bearing from vessel to target. Switch on-the-fly between the Default and Alarm target displays by going to the Targets – Parameters menu in HYPACK SURVEY.

4 Making Targets in SURVEY
Mark a Target.. Result ‘F5’ Function Key Target at Vessel Tracking Point Target Icon on Toolbox Double-click on Area Map Target at location of double-click AVI Modifying Targets Right-click on the target Select ‘Properties’ Change the name Offset the target Enter type information

5 Target Info in Data Display
TGT Dist & Bearing: Distance and Bearing from Vessel to Target TGT dE & dN: Difference in Easting and Northing (Target – Vessel) TGT Fwd & Stbd: Distance TGT is Forward & Starboard TGT Name: Name of current active target TGT Time: Time the vessel would cross over the target, based on the current speed. TGT Speed: Speed to travel to cross over the target at the time specified as the target name.

6 Lines To/From Targets Right-click on the desired target.
Click ‘Select’. Right-click on the target and select: Line to current: Creates a planned line from the target with the focus to the currently ‘selected’ target. Resulting line is saved in the current planned line file. Line to vessel: Creates a planned line from the boat tracking point to the currently ‘selected’ target. AVI

7 Saving or Modifying Targets
Click the ‘Targets – Select’ menu item. Targets with a leading check mark are displayed. Check/uncheck the target to enable/disable. New: Make a new target. Modify: Change an existing target. Delete: Remove a target from the list. Make Current: Select target becomes Survey’s active one in displays AVI

8 Water’s Edge Target: (F7) – Off-line
Water’s Edge targets are used to mark the location of the riverbanks. While Status = ‘Not Logging’ Move your boat close to the bank. Press ‘F7’ and enter the estimated distance to the shoreline from the tracking point. SURVEY calculates the X-Y of the shoreline point. When you turn and go ‘On- Line’, SURVEY saves the shoreline point as the 1st record in the data file with a depth of 0.0. Estimated distance from transducer to shoreline X Planned Line Shoreline

9 Water’s Edge Target: (F7) – On-Line
Status = ‘Logging’ As you near the far bank: Press the F7 key. Enter the distance to the bank (from the tracking point). SURVEY computes the X-Y of the shoreline point and saves it as the last record in the data file. SURVEY then closes the file and moves to the next line. X Planned Line Estimated distance from transducer to shoreline Shoreline

10 Water’s Edge in SURVEY If you’re working with Water’s Edge targets in SURVEY, it’s best to go to the Navigation Parameters and set the Start line gate = 0.0 Trust me on this one.

11 Water’s Edge Results: in SINGLE BEAM EDITOR: Dots
Notice the single points at the depth of 0.0 located at the start and end of line. (I didn’t add any tide correction, so they are still at 0.0.)

12 Water’s Edge: Results in SINGLE BEAM EDITOR: Lines
This is what the profile will look like if you connect the sounding points with line segments. Don’t use this for volumes!

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