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First Two Years: Psychosocial Early Emotions The First Half Year –Distress and sadness –Interest and pleasure –Social smile The Older Infant –Stranger.

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Presentation on theme: "First Two Years: Psychosocial Early Emotions The First Half Year –Distress and sadness –Interest and pleasure –Social smile The Older Infant –Stranger."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Two Years: Psychosocial Early Emotions The First Half Year –Distress and sadness –Interest and pleasure –Social smile The Older Infant –Stranger wariness –Separation anxiety Chapter 7

2 Social referencing Self-awareness Chapter 7 First Two Years: Psychosocial Connecting through emotions

3 The Importance of Nature –Learning theory –Psychoanalytic theory Freud: Oral and Anal stages Erikson: Trust and Autonomy Chapter 7 First Two Years: Psychosocial Origins of Personality

4 The Importance of Nurture –Temperament –Five dimensions of temperament Extroversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness Chapter 7 First Two Years: Psychosocial Origins of Personality

5 Activity level Rhythmicity Approach-withdrawal Adaptability Intensity of reaction Threshold of responsiveness Quality of mood Distractibility Attention span Chapter 7 First Two Years: Psychosocial Origins of Personality Research suggests that infants differ in nine characteristics:

6 First Two Years: Psychosocial Social Interactions Synchrony Attachment –Proximity-seeking behavior –Contact-maintaining behavior Measuring attachment –Strange situation –Secure attachment –Insecure attachment Chapter 7

7 First Two Years: Psychosocial Patterns of Attachment in Infancy Secure (Ainsworth’s Type B) Insecure-resistant (Type C) Insecure-avoidant (Type A) Insecure-disorganized (Type D) Other Chapter 7

8 First Two Years: Psychosocial Categories of the Adult Attachment Interview Autonomous Dismissing Preoccupied Unresolved Chapter 7

9 First Two Years: Psychosocial Signs of high-quality day care Adequate attention to each infant Encouragement of sensorimotor exploration and language development Attention to health and safety Well-trained and professional caregivers Chapter 7

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