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There is no concrete For autonomous sensorimotor systems like us, all objects, whether primroses or prime numbers, are abstractions.

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Presentation on theme: "There is no concrete For autonomous sensorimotor systems like us, all objects, whether primroses or prime numbers, are abstractions."— Presentation transcript:

1 There is no concrete For autonomous sensorimotor systems like us, all objects, whether primroses or prime numbers, are abstractions

2 What autonomous systems can do see (sense, perceive, “discriminate relatively”) learn recognize (categorize kinds and individuals, “discriminate absolutely”)) manipulate (Manipulate) name (identify) describe

3 Abstraction Detecting invariants in variance Features/parts/relations Sensorimotor interactions Gibsonian “affordances”

4 Foundations of Abstraction Borges’s Funes the Memorious Lurias’s “S”: The Mind of a Mnemonist Watanabe’s “Ugly Dckling Theorem” Miller’s “Magical Number 7 +/- 2”

5 Discrimination Relative Discrimination: same/different judgments, analog matching, similarity judgment, more/less magnitude judgment, Just-Noticeable-Differences (JNDs) Absolute Discrimination: (recognition, identification, sorting/labeling, naming)

6 Informational capacity limits Relative discrimination: JNDs Absolute discrimination: “chunks” Serial memory limits Rechunking Recoding Invariance extraction

7 Categorical perception Implicit/Explicit learning/knowledge Chicken-sexing Biederman’s “geon” analysis

8 3 ways of getting categories Darwinian “theft” (innately prepared feature detectors Sensorimotor “toil” (trial and error learning of categories from experience, with error- corrective feedback, “knowledge by acquaintance”) Symbolic “theft” (learning from “hearsay”: “knowledge by description,” language)

9 How do autonomous systems access objects? Through category detection All category detection depends on abstraction: selectivity, invariance extraction Objects are whatever affords absolute discriminability, whether kinds or individuals, from primroses to prime numbers

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