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Once Upon A Time… Purposes and Origins of Governments.

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Presentation on theme: "Once Upon A Time… Purposes and Origins of Governments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Once Upon A Time… Purposes and Origins of Governments

2 Nation-States

3 Nation-States “Nation-State” = a country / nation “Nation-State” = a country / nation Examples: The U.S., Brazil, Lithuania, France, Sweden, Russia, etc. Examples: The U.S., Brazil, Lithuania, France, Sweden, Russia, etc. What makes a nation-state a nation-state? (What makes a country a ‘real country’?) What makes a nation-state a nation-state? (What makes a country a ‘real country’?) Discuss Discuss

4 4 Characteristics of a Nation-State (1) Territory—you gotta have somewhere to put your people. (2) People—you gotta have someone to live in your territory. (3) Sovereignty—must be in charge of what happens inside your boundaries. (4) Government—someone has to rule and make decisions on behalf of the nation.

5 Why Do We Want / Need Government? What Do We Want It To Do? (Discuss)

6 Common Purposes of Governments: Protection from the outside (goes with ‘sovereignty’ from a few slides back) Protection from the outside (goes with ‘sovereignty’ from a few slides back) Protection from one another on the inside Protection from one another on the inside Resolution of conflicts between citizens Resolution of conflicts between citizens Infrastructure (transportation, communication, public buildings, etc.) Infrastructure (transportation, communication, public buildings, etc.)

7 Common Purposes of Governments: In modern times, governments are often expected to make some provision for the poor, the sick or disabled, the elderly, etc. In modern times, governments are often expected to make some provision for the poor, the sick or disabled, the elderly, etc. In modern times, governments are often expected to exercise regulatory power over businesses which impact public welfare. In modern times, governments are often expected to exercise regulatory power over businesses which impact public welfare.

8 Common Purposes of Governments: In the 21 st Century U.S., there is an ongoing debate about just what government should and should not be involved in. In the 21 st Century U.S., there is an ongoing debate about just what government should and should not be involved in.

9 How Did ‘Government’ Begin? There are 4 basic theories as to how government evolved…

10 How Did ‘Government’ Begin? (1) Familial Evolution (Parents held natural authority over children from prehistoric times. As families grew larger or combined, elders made natural leaders by being older, more knowledgeable, and wiser. Over time, those most able to lead effectively took over from those who just happened to be oldest or have the most offspring.)

11 How Did ‘Government’ Begin? (1) Familial Evolution (2) Force Theory (One tribe conquers another and imposes its rules on the defeated. This requires structure to maintain and leadership begins expanding to become “government.”)

12 How Did ‘Government’ Begin? (1) Familial Evolution (2) Force Theory (3) Divine Right Theory (Rulers inherit their power from God or via religious authority. Defiance of the ruler either directly or indirectly represents defiance of god, the gods, the church, or whatever.)

13 How Did ‘Government’ Begin? (1) Familial Evolution (2) Force Theory (3) Divine Right Theory (4) Social Contract Theory (Humans develop government and choose rulers to establish order and promote security in a chaotic natural world. By agreeing to cooperate and follow an agreed- upon set of rules, man can have relative order and safety. Power comes from the governed, not from above.)

14 What Do All Governments Have In Common? What do you need in order to protect your nation-state from outside nation-states? What do you need in order to protect your nation-state from outside nation-states? What do you need to protect your citizens from one another? What do you need to protect your citizens from one another? What do you need so people will obey the laws, follow the rules, and otherwise respect your authority? What do you need so people will obey the laws, follow the rules, and otherwise respect your authority? What do you need to build, take care of, regulate, or otherwise do all that stuff we talked about governments doing? What do you need to build, take care of, regulate, or otherwise do all that stuff we talked about governments doing?

15 * Power *

16 It takes power to protect, to organize, to control, to coordinate, etc. It takes power to protect, to organize, to control, to coordinate, etc. Power can = guns and soldiers, or come from respect for the system, or control of major resources, or a link to the divine or…? Power can = guns and soldiers, or come from respect for the system, or control of major resources, or a link to the divine or…? Power can be concentrated in the hands of one person, or a small group, or distributed among many. Power can be concentrated in the hands of one person, or a small group, or distributed among many.

17 Who Holds The Power = Type of Government Who Holds The Power = Type of Government

18 (More On This Later)

19 Other Big Questions The story of the United States (and perhaps other nations) has regularly involved several key questions… The story of the United States (and perhaps other nations) has regularly involved several key questions… Each of these questions involves the government of the U.S. as well as the people as a whole. Each of these questions involves the government of the U.S. as well as the people as a whole. In theory, after all, this is a government of the / by the / for the… In theory, after all, this is a government of the / by the / for the…

20 Who’s In Charge? (Who Holds The Power?)

21 Who Gets To Be A “Full American”?

22 How Do We Balance Freedom/Choice with Safety/Security?

23 What Is The “American Dream”?

24 How Far Should America Reach?

25 Questions?

26 Quiz Time! Take out a fresh piece of paper and a writing utensil. Take out a fresh piece of paper and a writing utensil. Full name, correct hour, and “Origins of Government Quiz” at top. Full name, correct hour, and “Origins of Government Quiz” at top. You may use any notes you chose to take over this lecture / discussion. You may use any notes you chose to take over this lecture / discussion. No talking or looking around or otherwise creating a nefarious appearance. No talking or looking around or otherwise creating a nefarious appearance. Ready? Ready?

27 Quiz Time! Choose 2 of the following and respond on your own paper. (A) List and briefly explain the 4 characteristics of a nation-state. (B) List and briefly explain 4 common purposes or functions of modern governments. (C) List and briefly explain 4 ways governments may have originated.

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