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Homophones past-passed see-sea one-won by-buy Clue.

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Presentation on theme: "Homophones past-passed see-sea one-won by-buy Clue."— Presentation transcript:


2 Homophones

3 past-passed see-sea one-won by-buy

4 Clue

5 The spelling of the word tells you the correct meaning.

6 You can use a dictionary to confirm the meaning.

7 Homographs

8 live- having life live- to make one’s home

9 Tear- a drop that comes from the eye when crying Tear- to rip

10 Clue

11 Use context, or the way the word is used in a sentence, to figure out the correct pronunciation and meaning.

12 Other Multiple- Meaning Words

13 right- “a direction” or “correct”

14 run- “to go faster than walking” or “a tear in material”

15 Clue

16 Use context, or the words and sentences surrounding the word, to figure out the correct meaning.

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