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Fisheries Overview1 The Fisheries Technician and Data Acquisition What questions are answered by field work?

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Presentation on theme: "Fisheries Overview1 The Fisheries Technician and Data Acquisition What questions are answered by field work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fisheries Overview1 The Fisheries Technician and Data Acquisition What questions are answered by field work?

2 Fisheries Overview2 Steps in Conducting a Fisheries Investigation  Review of relevant literature  Assessing the environment to be sampled  Sample the biota  Sample the catch and harvest  Determine how much to sample  Determine what to collect  Analyze the data & communicate results

3 Fisheries Overview3 Your Responsibilities as a Fisheries Technician  A sound understanding of how to operate all sampling equipment Fisheries related Oceanographic and chemistry related  Meticulous data records  Morally sound Avoid misrepresentation and dishonesty  Fudging the data

4 Fisheries Overview4 Fisheries Examinations  Stock identification  Abundance estimates  Mortality rates  Growth rates  Fisheries recruitment

5 Fisheries Overview5 Stock Identification  Stock - a group of fish that can be treated as a single management unit A single interbreeding population Population A Population B

6 Fisheries Overview6 Methodology for Stock Identification  Geographical analysis  Spawning area analysis  Catch per unit effort analysis  Age composition analysis  Tag and release  Morphological and physiological analysis

7 Fisheries Overview7 Abundance Estimates  Using a standard gear unit Catch per unit effort  Correlation techniques  Mark and recapture  Mortality rates # Time Mortality Curve

8 Fisheries Overview8 Growth Rates  Useful in analyzing a population’s general health  Critical in determining management tactics Examination of ontogeny  Recreational size and bag limits

9 SEM Micrograph Compound Microscope

10 Fisheries Overview10 Growth Curves Fish length Fish age X X X X X XX X X X X

11 Fisheries Overview11 Fisheries Recruitment  Recruitment - the number of new individuals added into a population Spawning stock size Environmental factors Predation Competition

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