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INTEGRATION IN A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. Integration of Faith, Learning and Life.

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2 Integration of Faith, Learning and Life

3 Truth is 1. Consensus

4 Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma

5 Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective

6 Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective 4. What is true qualitatively

7 Truth is 1. Consensus 2. Dogma 3. Perspective 4. What is true qualitatively 5. Sum total of knowledge

8 Bible

9 Jesus

10 Bible Jesus Knowledge

11 Bible Jesus Knowledge Mystery

12 Process of Integration

13 Limitation #1 – Finiteness

14 Process of Integration Limitation #1 – Finiteness Limitation #2 – Fragmentation

15 Process of Integration Limitation #1 – Finiteness Limitation #2 – Fragmentation Limitation #3 - Fallenness

16 Integration … 1. Seriously considers both special revelation and general revelation 1. Seriously considers both special revelation and general revelation

17 Integration … 2. Uses critical thinking to scrutinize all truth claims 2. Uses critical thinking to scrutinize all truth claims

18 Integration … 3. Articulates how the pieces of truth link together 3. Articulates how the pieces of truth link together

19 Integration … 4. Resists the temptation to tamper with the pieces 4. Resists the temptation to tamper with the pieces

20 Integration … 5. Respects and examines received truth claims, but continues to probe mysteries 5. Respects and examines received truth claims, but continues to probe mysteries

21 Integration … 6. Humbly refuses to go beyond the evidence 6. Humbly refuses to go beyond the evidence

22 Integration … 7. Values the whole above the parts 7. Values the whole above the parts

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