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Facebook Name WallPhotosNameLogout Wall InfoPhotos Information Info Photos Current City: Hometown: Sex: Birthday: Relationship Status: Married to Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Name WallPhotosNameLogout Wall InfoPhotos Information Info Photos Current City: Hometown: Sex: Birthday: Relationship Status: Married to Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Name WallPhotosNameLogout Wall InfoPhotos Information Info Photos Current City: Hometown: Sex: Birthday: Relationship Status: Married to Name or Single or Widowed from Name Employer: Education: Religion: Political Views: People Who Inspire: Favorite Quotations: Favorite Books: Activities: Contact Information Address: Street, City, State, Zip Code Wall Friends

2 facebook Name WallPhotosNameLogout Wall InfoPhotos First post Update statusShare Info Friends Wall Friends Photos Name second post Month day, year Like · Comment · See Friendship Name third post Month day, year Like · Comment · See Friendship Name fifth post Month day, year Like · Comment · See Friendship Name fourth post Month day, year Like · Comment · See Friendship Name of friend Comment Friend’s name

3 facebook WallPhotosNameLogout WallInfoPhotos Photos of Name 6 Photos Name

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