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Pre-Final Draft Checklist: Controversial Issue Paper Take notes directly on Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Final Draft Checklist: Controversial Issue Paper Take notes directly on Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Final Draft Checklist: Controversial Issue Paper Take notes directly on Outline

2 What you need to include in First Draft of Paper…. Due: Friday, 3/13

3 You need an Original Title Your topic should go first followed by a colon (:) and then your original title. Example: Assisted Suicide: Guiding People to their Deaths C apitalize E ach W ord in T itle

4 Example Thesis statement: Assisted suicide, an issue that is debated among medical professionals, should be legal for those patients who are terminally ill and of sound mind to make that decision. 1. Your topic: For Example: Assisted suicide, an issue that is debated among medical professionals, 2. Your opinion For Example: should be legal 3. Your two main points (arguments) that help to support your opinion: For example: for those patients who are terminally ill and of sound mind to make that decision. What You Need in your Thesis…

5 Parenthetical Citations If you have an author, the citation is only the last name of the author. If you don’t have an author, the citation is the first three words of the title, with quotes and ellipses. (“The Right to…”). If you have more than one author, use only the 1st last name listed alphabetically. If you have the same author but are citing two articles by that author, use the last name, then the beginning of the title. (Smith “Assisted Suicide is…”). or (Smith “Killing Yourself is…”).

6 COUNT YOUR SOURCES  You need 3 You need 3 different sources used in your paper..these sources need to be accurately cited in your Works Cited Page. You should have direct quotes embedded in each main body section of your paper: Definition Paragraph, Argument #1, Argument #2, Solutions What you use in your paper is what goes on the Works Cited Page You need 3 different sources used in your paper..these sources need to be accurately cited in your Works Cited Page. You should have direct quotes embedded in each main body section of your paper: Definition Paragraph, Argument #1, Argument #2, Solutions What you use in your paper is what goes on the Works Cited Page

7 You should not be using Naked Quotes!! Make sure to weave quotes and use appropriate T-L-Q’s Review Integrating Quotations worksheet you took notes on for rules and variations on quote integration, if necessary. Weave your quotations!

8 You Need One Block Quote! Block Quote: (Four or more lines typed, colon before the block quote, no quotation marks, period comes before the citation instead of after, quote is tabbed over twice and is still double spaced.) Example: (Introduce quote with a complete sentence followed by a colon.) Some researchers believe this would be too expensive: Even when we put aside the serious ethical considerations of using animals as walking containers of spare parts, there are serious financial and health consequences to xenografts. The wholesale adoption of xenotransplants, using organs from genetically altered pigs, will generate enormous profits for the pharmaceutical industry, for the bioengineering firms that supply the pigs, and for the medical professionals involved. (Berger 6) Continue your paragraph here.

9 You need an MLA formatted Works Cited Page Remember that the last page of your paper should be your works cited page. Check the example works cited page on teacherweb for extra guidance. Remember, you need to have 3 documented sources, used within your paper as well as documented on your works cited page.

10 Works Cited Page

11 Use Teacherweb for guidance on Pre-final draft! The first thing you should open is the Pre-Final Draft sample on teacherweb. (There are additional handouts on how to write a good intro paragraph, how to integrate/weave quotes effectively, etc.) Use your resources!!!! Make an appt. next week at the writing center if you would like someone to help you with your paper, or review it with you once you’ve finished writing it.

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