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JavaScript- conditions, Math objects. Generic Representation.

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Presentation on theme: "JavaScript- conditions, Math objects. Generic Representation."— Presentation transcript:

1 JavaScript- conditions, Math objects

2 Generic Representation

3 Condition If (a > b) { // some instructions here } If (a >= b) { // some instructions here } else { // some instructions here } If (a < b) { // some instructions here } else if (c == d) { // some instructions here } else { // additional instructions here }

4 Nested Conditions If (a <= b) { // some instructions here if (d == f) { some nested instructions } If (a != b) { // some instructions here } else { // some instructions here if (d == f) { some nested instructions }

5 Exercise: jex6.html Checking for null  In this exercise below, when you reset the form and you click Total when both input box are empty, you displayed an “NAN”  You need to check for null in the input box before you perform the addition or multiplication function. if (document.simpleForm.box1.value== "") { alert (“You need to have a value in the first box”); } else if (document.simpleForm.box1.value== "") { alert (“You need to have a value in the second box”); } else { // use the code from before to display the total }

6 Recall: Button and Response  Make a button and a message box.  Need to have a form to “hold” this GUI objects  You write form instructions in the body.  You write the javascript function in the head. Note the difference between ALERT and COFIRM function displayText() { document.simpleForm.response.value="You click the red button!"; }

7 Math objects  Calculation sometimes require you to use mathematical functions such as a 3 requires you to use the power function such as Math.pow(a, 3). Examples are: Math.PI ~  Math.round(3.14) that rounds off a number Math.random() that gives you a floating pt. number between 0 and 1

8 Exercise: jex7.html Loan Calculator  Get three input values, loan amount, yearly interest rate and Number of Years.  Compute the monthly and total payments using formula below L: Loan Amount R: Monthly Interest Rate (YearlyRate / 12) N: Number of payment periods (NoYrs X 12)  Output the results

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