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By the end of this lesson… All of you will be able to briefly explain what “Chamber music” is. All of you will know the different instruments for each.

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2 By the end of this lesson… All of you will be able to briefly explain what “Chamber music” is. All of you will know the different instruments for each period Most of you will understand why these instruments were used in each period, why the instruments sounded different and why certain dynamics were used. Most of you will be able to identify which period a piece of music is and why through your knowledge and understanding. Some of you will be able to compare and contrast Baroque and Classical through your knowledge and understanding.

3 Listening test… Can you identify the different instruments?… ments_of_music/instrumentationrev1.shtml ments_of_music/instrumentationrev1.shtml

4 What is “Chamber music”? Music that was originally performed in a chamber or small room. Instrumental music written for a small group of players (2 – 8) Groups are labelled according to number of performers – trio for 3, quartet for 4 etc. Originally performed in front of private audiences in royal households/rich people. Now it’s performed in concert rooms/halls.

5 What is “Chamber music”? Intimate musical conversation. Chance for performers to work together with precision. No conductor – a close relationship between the players is vital. Sit in a circle when rehearsing so visual signals are easy to see. Will perform in a semi-circle when performing to an audience.

6 Differences between Baroque and Classical Chamber music… There are a number of differences between Baroque and Classical music. Over the next few lessons, we will be looking at: Texture Ornaments Today we are going to look in to the instrumental differences between the two era’s.

7 Baroque and Classical instruments BaroqueClassical String family – Violin, Viola, Cello/Viols and Double Bass (known as the contrabass then) Harpsichord – bound the orchestra together by playing chords to fit in with the harmony. Oboe and Bassoon Recorders and traverse flute (wooden) Trumpet String family – Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass Woodwind – Flute, Clarinet, Oboe and Bassoon Percussion – timpanis Brass – trumpets and French horns

8 Why do Baroque instruments sound the way do? The harpsichord produces sound by plucking the strings with a plectrum when a key is pressed.plectrum This plectrum is usually made out of quill, although sometimes a type of plastic is now used. In historical times, leather was also occasionally used.quill Because of the nature of this plucking mechanism the harpsichord can’t create loud and soft sounds in the way the piano does by pressing harder on the keys. This is why the dynamics in Baroque music are either LOUD or QUIET, as the instruments were not as advanced as they are today. In comparison, Classical music could be far more expressive with their dynamics.

9 Why do Baroque instruments sound the way they do? The viol is played held between the knees (like a cello). Their generic name is viola da gamba (viols of the leg). Their tuning is similar to that of the guitar, six strings being the most usual number. Like lutes of the period, viols have frets, which are made from gut strings and tied round the neck, producing a different sound to the cello (which has steel strings).lutesfrets ure=player_embedded#! ure=player_embedded#

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