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Zack Burgher Physical Oceanography. Development of the Current The eastern boundary current of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre Exceptionally strong.

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Presentation on theme: "Zack Burgher Physical Oceanography. Development of the Current The eastern boundary current of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre Exceptionally strong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zack Burgher Physical Oceanography

2 Development of the Current The eastern boundary current of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre Exceptionally strong current caused by: Warm Agulhas’ waters from Indian Ocean mix with cold sub- antarctic water and low-oxygen tropical Atlantic water South Easterly trade winds give rise to upwelling Upwelling of nutrient rich waters replaces nutrient depleted Atlantic waters and causes blooms in marine life

3 General Flow

4 Winter : South Easterly Winds Wind pattern seen throughout winter months Less localized intensity Less upwelling Lower biological activity

5 Summer : Strong South Easterly Winds Wind pattern seen in summer months of Africa Strong winds parallel to shore bring about Ekman Transport Causing upwelling and increased biological activity

6 Comparing the Seasons Summer Winter

7 Average Current Strength Averages taken over 10 years Along coast strong flow of 0.1 m/s shows the substantial amount of upwelling Added wind stress shows the amount of upwelling due to the effects of Ekman Transport

8 Negative Effects of Extreme Upwelling Upwelling brings nutrient rich waters to the surface Often causes blooms in marine life Various blooms in all life forms can lead to anoxic waters Harmful for marine life such as the Rock Lobster Species forced to beach on shore to avoid suffocation in the Benguela current

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