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Early Years Foundation Stage at Wilcombe Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Years Foundation Stage at Wilcombe Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Years Foundation Stage at Wilcombe Primary

2 Early Years Foundation Stage Everybody want to be a ‘Blue Jumper!!!’

3 What is the curriculum? Overarching principles Unique child Positive relationships Enabling environment Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates

4 Areas of learning All important and inter-connected Three prime areas (Crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning building capacity to learn and form relationships) Communication and language Physical development Personal social and emotional development Four specific areas (through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied) Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design

5 How do we decide what to teach? Using the curriculum guidance Following children’s interests Letters and sounds Leap into life

6 Characteristics of Effective Learning Strong links to the workings of Guy Claxton. He believes that children should be self regulated learners i.e. the children take charge of their own learning. This needs time and space. “introducing young children to formal education too soon leaves them less eager and able to learn" (Too formal too soon, 2005)

7 His research shows that if formal learning takes place at an early age although at first there might be progress the progress will slow. However, if in the early years the children learn through play then their progress increases throughout their school life

8 Resilience Absorption – engagement Managing distractions- focus Noticing Perseverance- keep trying Resourcefulness Questioning Making links- making connections in learning Imagining- playing with what they know Reasoning Capitalising – developing ideas Reflectiveness Planning- having own ideas and making prediction Revising- reviewing Distilling Meta-learning Reciprocity Independence- own ideas Collaboration- active learning Empathy Listening Strong links to the EYFS’s Characteristics of effective learning

9 Collaboration Absorption Perseverance Planning Revising Listening Making links Imagining Reasoning Building a Spaceship

10 Absorption Making links Imagining Planning Perseverance Making sun machine Independence Questioning

11 The importance of play Play is not the opposite of work!

12 How do we deliver the curriculum? A mixture of adult directed, adult initiated and child initiated activities.

13 Adult directed An activity planned by the teacher

14 Adult initiated An activity that develops from an adult directed activity or a child’s interest

15 Child initiated Free play time - staff observe and extend children’s play

16 What does our day look like? Teacher directed group times led by staff –Registration /Literacy –Leap into life –Phonics –Storytime /Circle time –Lunch –Numeracy –Singing –Story

17 Learning to read Listening to stories Phonics – letters and sounds Shared reading Reading at home Guided reading How you can help

18 Letters and sounds Listening games and activities Recognising individual phonemes How you can help.

19 Learning to write Pre writing skills Emergent writing Shared writing Handwriting Guided writing How you can help

20 Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy Group activities Songs and rhymes Play activities How you can help

21 Leap into life –physical skills Developing a range of skill Movement, early dance and gym, manipulative, spatial awareness.

22 Observation and assessment Watching and recording children’s learning Planning the next steps

23 Learning Journeys  Photographs  Observations  Independent writing  Artwork  Parent input  Children’s voice

24 Learning Journeys We need your help!!! - We value you input and want you to be a part of your child's learning journey! Wow slips- in book bag for you to fill in! Photos Art work

25 Foundation Stage Profile The assessments build up a profile of each child which is shared with parents at the end of the foundation stage

26 The wider school community Assembly School events Hall times SIP days Library

27 Family Morning Every Friday morning will be ‘Family Morning’. This means that you are invited to come into school with your child and take part in the activities that are on offer. The activities are planned to coincide with work that will be covered in class during the week. As part of our work on beaches, we had a fishmonger in class who let us hold, gut and cook fish.

28 How do we know what we will be doing? At the beginning of every half term, a timetable of events will be sent home, so you can choose which weeks you would like to do. Some people come every week, others come along to help with off site activities, it’s entirely up to you.

29 Why do we do it? The children have access to a huge variety of life skills e.g. Latvian day, cooking It gives a real insight to the adults who come in, it is fun and sociable The children travel safely off site to access a wide variety of learning experiences

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