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ASF in Eastern Europe: achievements and perspectives

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1 ASF in Eastern Europe: achievements and perspectives
African swine fever ASF in Eastern Europe: achievements and perspectives Ministerial Meeting, Tallinn, 26/02/16 Dr. B. Van-Goethem, Director Crisis Management in Food, Animals and Plants DG SANTE

2 ASF in the EU Eradicated from
Eradicated from France (1974) Mainland Italy (1993) Belgium (1985) Netherlands (1986) Spain (1994) Portugal (1999) EU approach effective in eradicating ASF from mainland and containing it to Sardinia Sardinia is an excellent example of how the EU regionalization approach has worked effectively  ASF has been contained to the island for decades!

3 ASF in the EU: Recent history

4 2007










14 Timeline OIE notif. ASF in Ukraine OIE notif. ASF in Georgia TAIEX training CVET in Ukraine TAIEX training TAIEX training TAIEX training EFSA opinion on ASF FVO audits in EE, LV, LT, PL OIE notif. ASF in Russia EFSA opinion on ASF and ticks OIE notif. ASF in Belarus TAIEX training Com req. to EFSA on ASF TAIEX training 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 EC Financial Decision on prev. measures EC Decision on disinfection of lorries new ring trial new ring trial new ring trial new ring trial new ring trial new ring trial new ring trial EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting EURL diagnostic perf. meeting

15 Timeline Commission publishes guidelines ASF surveillance EC Dec on LT (interim and CID) CVET in LT CVET in PL EC Dec on ASF region. 2014/178 OIE notif. ASF in Georgia CVET in LT (Ingalina) EC Dec on LV and LT (interim and CID) EC Dec on LT (interim and CID) EC Dec on ASF region. 2014/178 EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/178 OIE notif. ASF in Belarus EU ASF strategy ASF in LT OIE notif. ASF in Russia EC Dec on ASF region. 2014/709 CVET in LV ASF in PL ASF in LV CVET in LV OIE notif. ASF in Ukraine 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TAIEX training new ring trial ASF in EE GF-TADs 1st meet. (coordination 7 countries) EC Financial Decision EE, LV, LT and PL FVO follow-up audits in EE, LV EFSA technical report on ASF EURL diagnostic perf. meeting CVET in EE EC Regulation on market support STM training GF-TADs kick off (coordination 7 countries) FVO audit on ASF in LT and PL EC Reg.on market support EFSA opinion on ASF BTSF training

16 Timeline 2015 2016 EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709
OIE notif. ASF in Georgia ASF in LV EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 EC Regulation on exceptional aid to farmers EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 OIE notif. ASF in Belarus EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 ASF in PL Vilnius ASF in LT EU ASF principles regional. OIE notif. ASF in Russia EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 New EU ASF strategy ASF in EE OIE notif. ASF in Ukraine 2007 2008 2009 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 EC Reg.on market sup. EC Financial Decision EE, LV, LT and PL EC Financial Decision HU and SK GF-TADs (field visits in affected countries) TAIEX training EC Grant Decision 2015 ASF Progr. EC Reg.on market support GF-TADs (field visits in affected countries) EC Financial Decision HU and SK new ring trial GF-TADs 2nd meet. (coordination 7 countries) EURL diagnostic perf. meeting FVO audit on ASF in EE BTSF training STM training EFSA opinion on ASF

17 Timeline 2016 CVET in RO CVET in MD Ministerial meeting in Tallinn
OIE notif. ASF in Georgia ASF in LV CVET in RO CVET in MD OIE notif. ASF in Belarus ASF in PL EC Dec on ASF region. Modif. 2014/709 Ministerial meeting in Tallinn ASF in LT OIE notif. ASF in Russia ASF in EE OIE notif. ASF in Ukraine 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 EC Grant Decision 2015 ASF Progr. FVO audit on ASF in EE GF-TADs 3rd meet. (coordination 7 countries)

18 Regional situation 2007 - 2015 (EFSA with OIE data)

19 Another perspective

20 ASF in the North of the EU

21 EU 2014

22 EU 2015

23 EU 2016

24 Tailored to the East of the EU
The EU policy on ASF Tailored to the East of the EU

25 EU main tools for ASF control
EU fully harmonised veterinary legislation The specific ASF control Directive ASF Contingency plans ASF regionalization The ASF EU Reference Laboratory – diagnostic manual The EU co-financing of emergency measures and eradication programmes Enforcement – FVO audits The Community Veterinary Emergency Team - CVET Better training for safer food – BTSF Scientific advise – EFSA scientific opinions International cooperation – OIE/FAO GF-TADSs EU research projects – RTD - AGRI

26 EU co-financing of ASF veterinary measures
Measures eligible for EU financial support: Sampling (domestic and wild animals) Tests Compensation Slaughtering Cleaning and disinfection Other duly justified measures (different in each MS) Starting in the end of 2015 Selective hunting of female wild boar Starting in 2016: Collection of wild boar carcasses

27 EU co-financing of ASF veterinary measures
LT PL LV EE 2013 €45.000 2014 2015 2016 SK HU RO 2014 €27 000 - 2015 €55 000 2016 €70 000

28 Further Financial Measures
Market support: 2014 pigmeat in Poland and Lithuania 2015 pigmeat private storage aid 2015 temporary exceptional aid to farmers in the livestock sectors

29 Regionalisation for ASF
Commission Implementing Decision of 9 October 2014 (2014/709/EU) Latest update by Commission Implementing Decision of 9 February 2016 (EU) 2016/180


















47 FVO - Health and Food audits and analysis
Findings The implementation in the MS is effective ensuring: early detection of ASF prevention spread into domestic pigs in infected area prevention of spread outside the infected area application of restrictions of movements (pigs, meat…) No immediate health risks were identified Recommendations Control measures to be maintained at high level including the biosecurity measures on the farm Use of the official systems for registration and movement to be improved Ensure the necessary resources for activities related to control and eradication

48 FVO Audits carried out on implementation of border controls against ASF: 14-15/10/2013 in Estonia 16-17/10/2013 in Latvia 18-21/10/2013 in Lithuania 22-24/10/2013 in Poland 11-12/03/2014 in Estonia 12-14/03/2014 in Latvia Audits carried out on implementation of animal health controls in relation to ASF: 14-16/04/2014 in Lithuania 9-13/06/2014 in Poland 2-6/03/2015 in Estonia … and Latvia planned for Sept. 2016

49 GF-TADs Global Framework for the progressive control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF TADs) /Standing Group of Experts on African swine fever in the Baltic and Eastern Europe Region Objective: strengthen mid-term regional cooperation on ASF Under the umbrella of the FAO/OIE Initiative of the European Commission (with financial support) Meetings in December 2014 and February 2015 of the seven CVOs  next meeting March 2016

50 GF-TADs Series of GF-TADs expert field visits in the seven countries concerned 30/3 to 3/4/2015 – Lithuania 12-17/04/2015 – Belarus 18-21/05/2015 – Latvia 13-17/07/2015 – Russian Federation 14-18/09/2015 – Ukraine 28/9 to 2/10/2015 – Estonia 12-16/10/2015 – Poland Further meeting planned for March 2016 in Moscow to analyse the data gathered data and allow the formulation of expert recommendations on ASF disease management

51 BTSF and TAIEX support provided
Both in the EU and in neighbouring countries. Before and after the appearance of ASF BTSF Two workshops in Kiev (2014) and in Vilnius (2015) on ASF targeting a both EU Member States and non-EU countries, Six sustained training and technical assistance mission in 2014 and 2015, targeted to both official and private veterinarians TAIEX General support on animal health Specific support on ASF Going on for long before the arrival of ASF into the EU

52 BTSF and TAIEX support provided
28-31/10/ BTSF workshop on ASF in Kiev – focus was on neighbouring countries 22-24/04/ BTSF workshop on ASF in Vilnius – only Member States invited November 2015 – Sustained training and technical assistance mission (STM) in Poland and Lithuania December 2015 – STM in Estonia and Latvia June 2015 – STM in Hungary and Slovakia

53 BTSF and TAIEX support provided
26-30/04/ TAIEX Study visit - Ukrainian experts in Spain 10-14/01/ TAIEX Study visit – Belarus experts in Spain 4-5/10/ TAIEX Workshop on ASF in Russia 18-22/06/ TAIEX Study visit - Ukrainian experts in Spain 3-4/09/ TAIEX Workshop on CSF and ASF in Lithuania 11-15/11/ TAIEX Study visit - Ukrainian experts in Spain 27-31/01/ TAIEX Study visit - Ukrainian experts in Czech Rep. 23-24/03/ TAIEX Workshop on biosecurity in Latvia 7-11/12/ TAIEX Study Visit - Ukrainian experts in France

54 Community Veterinary Emergency Team - CVET
Provide on the spot assistance Field experts Legal basis Commission Decision 2007/142

55 Community Veterinary Emergency Team - CVET
8-12/08/2010 CVET on ASF in Ukraine 27-31/01/2014 CVET on ASF in Lithuania 25-28/02/2014 CVET on ASF in Poland 1- 4/07/2014 CVET on ASF in Latvia 30/7- 1/ CVET on ASF in Lithuania 11- 15/08/2014 CVET on ASF in Latvia 13-14/10/2014 CVET on ASF in Estonia 18-22/01/2016 CVET on ASF in Romania 22-26/02/2016 CVET on ASF in Moldova

56 EURL for ASF EU Reference Laboratory for ASF (EURL)
Annual performance tests of all EU national reference laboratories (ring trials) Annual meeting to assess the outcomes and correct deficiencies Also third countries are invited (e.g. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA, Canada) Essential for maintaining to high standards the EU diagnostic capability

57 Ukraine Belarus Russian Federation Moldova
Summary of specific prevention activities in neighbouring third countries Ukraine TAIEX UA experts to EURL 26-30/04/10 CVET 8-12/08/10 TAIEX UA experts to EURL 18-22/06/12 TAIEX UA experts to EURL 11-15/11/13 TAIEX UA experts to CZ 27-31/01/14 BTSF Kiev 28-31/1014 GF-TADS expert support mission 14-18/09/15 TAIEX UA experts to FR 7-11/12/15 Belarus TAIEX BY experts to EURL /01/11 GFf-TADS plenary 03/12/14 GF-TADS expert support mission 12-17/04/15 Russian Federation TAIEX workshop 4-5/10/11 GF-TADS expert support mission 13-17/07/15 GF-TADS plenary 14-16/03/16 Moldova CVET 22-26/02/16

58 Key point: animal by-products
Swill feeding: Swill is in legislation defined as "catering waste". Catering waste is in the scope of by-product legislation related to the total prohibition of feeding farmed animals with animal protein. The only exemption (national rules) is for fur animals. Total prohibition feeding catering waste from international transport. Catering waste may be used for biogas or biodiesel production or disposed of as waste. Carcass disposal in ASF infected area General prohibition of dispatch of unprocessed entire bodies or parts of porcine animals from the infected area; Derogation under strict channelling (disinfection, sealed trucks) from infected area to processing plant in non-infected area; Dispatch of unprocessed game trophies from infected area is prohibited; collection of bodies of dead feral pigs under ASF eradication plan

59 WTO In 2014 the Russian Federation issued a ban on exports of pigs, pork and certain other products from all Member States (against OIE standards) Russia has failed to provide any scientific justification for its actions so far and is therefore breaching the WTO SPS Agreement The EU applies regionalisation as foreseen by the OIE and based on scientific evidence (EFSA) On request of the EU, the WTO case EU – Russia (WTO Dispute Settlement case 475) was opened A Panel procedure is currently ongoing and is expected to be completed in spring 2016

60 The EU science on ASF: recent EFSA scientific opinion

61 EFSA Conclusions related ASF transmission
ASF spreads locally in the wild boar population, independent of outbreaks in domestic pigs No correlation observed between density of wild boar and the case notifications in an area Low biosecurity level of backyard farms (including practices such as swill-feeding or feeding of contaminated grass) are the likely source of ASF introduction in farms No scientific data demonstrating shedding by carriers of ASFV genotype II in the eastern European Union.

62 EFSA Conclusions related to wildboar
Several strategies possible: Rapid control measures aimed at preventing or removing infectious carcasses in the environment: i) through drastic depopulation of more than 70% or ii) fast carcass removal (not acceptable/not conventional) Long-term preventive measures through a sustainable reduction of the population size: i) feeding ban and ii) targeted hunting of reproductive females (longer term/wider area) NEW MANDATE to EFSA for Technical assistance on ASF

63 The EU policy on ASF: next steps

64 Update ASF Strategy to include recent scientific advice
Wild boar management: medium term Hunting: selective of adult females Feeding ban: in selected areas Carcass removal disposal: fast Human factor: short term Awareness No feeding pigs with potentially contaminated grass/feedingstuff Biosecurity strengthened Hunter vs farming: behaviour risks

65 EU common hunting strategy
Main strategic points to be applied at least to the areas under restriction and to a wider area (~ 200km further): Baiting is allowed (non-sustained feeding, limited food only for attracting wild boar for hunting, not exceed 10kg/km2/month). Sustained feeding is forbidden. Targeted hunting is encouraged in order to target adult and sub-adult females. The overall hunting bag should be balanced between male and females (50% each). Hunting practices leading to disruption of population and dispersion avoided More refined hunting practices to be defined locally depending on environmental and other factors (night hunting…)

66 Review and adapt veterinary rules
Regionalization: Revise demarcation of zones after summer season when peak is expected Exit strategy for lifting restrictions (ongoing) Need for a precautionary approach Surveillance: Strengthen surveillance (especially PASSIVE) Enforcement biosecurity

67 Thank You

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