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Kia Manoochehri.  Data Analysis  Learn about AWS Struggle to do so  Data Visualization  An exercise in scalability.

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Presentation on theme: "Kia Manoochehri.  Data Analysis  Learn about AWS Struggle to do so  Data Visualization  An exercise in scalability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kia Manoochehri

2  Data Analysis  Learn about AWS Struggle to do so  Data Visualization  An exercise in scalability

3  Do something different.

4  Original intent: Gather Windows Event Log files Determine when an error would occur Visualize this somehow

5  Problems: Gather Windows Event Log files  No access to them outside of my own Determine when an error would occur  Easy if I had access to a monumental amount of data Visualize this somehow  Complicated because *what* would I visualize?

6  Actual design: A Log File (data) Analyzer of a different system Ran through AWS to exploit parallelization of the log files  Exercise in scalability Visualize this data in a “meaningful way”

7  Came from another project I previously worked on .txt files of varying size  Total Volume of data = 6gb

8  Show that using AWS can relieve problems More data? Errors? Runtime?  Have a cool visualization tool! Data in an easy to read way.




12  MATLAB Many pros Many many cons  AWS We weren’t given any other option  Project itself

13  MATLAB Able to use the “Parallel Computing Toolbox”  Costs $$$ - Need licenses for the cloud Solution?  Be dirty…

14  AWS Came into this class with 0 cloud experience and knowledge Solution?  Spent more time outside of class learning and reading about the cloud and running an application on AWS than inside of class.

15  Project itself Multiple aspects to this project  Analyzer (coding)  Running it on AWS (design, choices, and 0 exp)  Visualizing the data (coding and design) On the surface:  Not an impressive use of AWS  Good lesson on Scalability aspect of Cloud Services  Great lesson on Trust/Security of data…


17  MATLAB on EC2 MATLAB on EC2


19  Development and Testing: My home desktop and laptop  GIT makes this easy After Toby’s presentation on AWS early in the semester I chose to isolate my development and testing environment (from the cloud).

20  Scalability: Time and effort saving  Fundamentally, space saving >6gb (6144 MB) of.txt files compressed/converted to 229MB (wow)  Visually pleasing?

21  AWS Application of some of the topics we discussed First hand account of security issues and reluctance to use the Cloud  Don’t over commit…  I was already addicted to Caffeine.






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