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NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups Alan Campbell – NHS Salford.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups Alan Campbell – NHS Salford."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups Alan Campbell – NHS Salford

2 Introduction NHS Commissioning Development Clinical Commissioning Groups Authorisation process Commissioning Support Services PCT workforce risks

3 NHS – Commissioning Development Health Bill through Commons Stage > Lords Oct /Nov GM level management by ‘Cluster’ since May Establishment of Commissioning Support Services Establishment of Clinical Commissioning Board at GM level Collaboration across GM but not formal governance changes

4 Title here Page 4 Development of Clinical Commissioning Groups Shadow form until April 2013 Appointed leadership in interim period — Dr Hamish Stedman - Chairman Inter Practice Agreement Annual ‘contract’ Operational Management through QIPP/ Clinical services GP Partnership Board Representatives Extending Involvement and Engagement with partners

5 Authorisation Process GPs encouraged by their profession to get through this 90% are in ‘pathfinders’ now NHS Commissioning Board Authorises 6 domains — Clinical Focus/added value analysis — Public Engagement — Clear plan to deliver clinical quality — Financial control/ capability - QIPP — Collaborative arrangements with strategic partners — Effective Leadership Over 70% of budgets delegated to CCG (over £300m in Salford) Consortia complete a self assessment readiness diagnostic test

6 Commissioning Support Services Development of Commissioning Business support ‘at scale’ Build at GM level exploring bigger footprints Initial shared work — HR, IM&T, Continuing Care, Effective Use of Resources Governed by management cost constraint – ‘Ready Reckoner’ Target c£20 per patient. Current system costs £50 per patient Risk of Clinician ‘buy in / ownership Outsourcing in future ?

7 Title here Page 7 PCT Workforce Risks Lack of clarity about the future Local GP support for Salford workforce Good relationship/track record with Council Different destinations — Clinical Commissioning Groups — Commissioning Support Services — LA Public Health related — NHS Commissioning Board Market Test outsourcing possibility Keeping eyes on the current tasks

8 Interim Governance - > April 2013 Sub Committee of GM Cluster Board Shadow Clinical Commissioning Group for 2013 Extended Stakeholder membership 4 Clinical Commissioners Elected Member & Director NHS Non Executive Co-Chairs Reduced NHS Executive Membership Meeting in Public

9 Title here Page 9 Summary & Questions

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