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Recruitment & UO Process Preview for HR Partners Talent Acquisition & Development, Human Resources February 12, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment & UO Process Preview for HR Partners Talent Acquisition & Development, Human Resources February 12, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment & Hiring @ UO Process Preview for HR Partners Talent Acquisition & Development, Human Resources February 12, 2016

2 Today is…  Unveiling of proposed core process  Preparing for talent management system implementation  Opportunity to identify gaps in advance of detailed process maps  High-level review for all employment types

3 Today is not…  Demo of our talent management system (stay tuned!)  Change to existing vacancies or RTHs/NAPOs already in the queue  Intended to cover all “special cases” you encounter in recruitment or hiring  Intended to cover reorganizations, promotions, reclassifications, overloads, etc.  Outline of all tasks associated with recruitment/hiring

4 Agenda  Project Objectives, Methods, and Team  Intended Benefits of the New Process  Proposed Recruiting & Hiring Process  Major Changes with Anticipated Technology “Boosts”  Organization to Support Processes  Additional Considerations  Next Steps & Questions

5 Project Objectives and Method Objectives Redesign recruiting and hiring processes for new faculty and staff to  Streamline processes, shorten timelines  Gain operational efficiencies  Meet the needs of diverse units across the University while establishing core processes that work across employee types  Minimize shadow systems/processes  Leverage technology  Categorize current approval workflows into approvals (affect outcome) vs. information touchpoints Method  Team of HR staff and campus subject matter experts, guided by consultant AonHewitt  September – December 2014  Discovery of current state, including challenges and opportunities  Process Design Sessions  Validated process within HR, executive sponsorship

6 Thanks to the project team

7 Intended Benefits of the New Processes  Shortened recruiting time from starting a search to making a candidate an offer  Streamlined data gathering and approvals ensure a timely process with all necessary information  Improved clarity for HR partners, hiring authorities through use of standard core processes  Clarified role of Talent Acquisition in recruiting and hiring  Improved engagement to strategically attract a diverse candidate pool  Clarified screening and selection process  Improved branding in the talent market by enhancing communication with the candidate pool at various stages of the process

8 Where it begins... Position Description  If new or substantially revised  For classified and unclassified staff, reviewed for compensation  Classified staff placed within a classification  Anticipate that OA positions will be placed within the classification/compensation framework  For faculty, ensure that all required elements are included in the position description

9 Recruitment Process Path

10 Major Process Changes Recruiting – Approved Requisition, Recruitment/Sourcing/Open Period Stage of Process Notification of Approved Requisition Recruitment/SourcingApplication Open Period Major Process Changes Job has been evaluated; approvals follow and recruiter confirms when requisition has been approved. Job announcement is developed from position description. No additional approvals are necessary. HR partner/recruiter helps hiring authority/search chair determine the recruitment strategy and search plan Once search plan is finalized, the hiring authority notifies his/her supervisor. No other approvals are necessary. If the candidate does not meet minimum qualifications (objective criteria), they will be dispositioned, with reasoning documented. With Technology Approvals route through automated workflow Interested parties can see real-time approval status Position description can be pulled into vacancy announcement Outreach plan may be delivered by ad aggregator Candidate will see real- time search status Questions may be used to streamline dispositioning

11 Major Process Changes Recruiting – Screening, Selection, Make Contingent Offer Stage of Process ScreeningSelectionMake Contingent Offer Major Process Changes Recruiters will send notifications to search chair with aggregate applicant data. Recruiter will review applicant pool to ensure diversity mix and discuss outreach options with search chair if necessary. The hiring authority and search committee interview the candidates. Search committee members make a recommendation to the hiring authority. Hiring authority checks references and makes a final selection decision. Hiring authority consults with recruiter regarding final offer amount (staff only). Compliance packet is eliminated from the process as candidate dispositions are now completed as decisions are made and reasoning for decision will be documented throughout the process. With Technology Notifications regarding interviews requests/search status may go through system Contingent offer made verbally can be prepared in the system to streamline final offer/contract production

12 Hiring Process Path

13 Major Process Changes - Hiring Stage Contingent Offer is Accepted/Final Offer/Contract System HiringDay 1 Preparation Major Process Changes Background check authorization and results flow handled within HR/evaluation committee Contract/final offer is issued After employee is set up in Banner, PAC and UO ID number will be sent to new hire to access Duck Web Exploring whether Banner job/employee records setup and generation of PAC can be expedited Hiring manager will be responsible for Day 1 preparation and will be provided with a checklist With Technology Candidate background check is expedited through applicant tracking system When a candidate’s status is changed to hired, the system may feed the information to Banner to create the employee and job records. Candidate may input I-9 and W-4 information soon after they have been selected. Automatic notifications may be sent to the hiring manager, Benefits, and any other necessary parties to Day 1 Prep

14 Organization to Support Processes  Development of Talent Acquisition unit as stand-alone HR function (focus area)  Director, 2 recruiters, international employment specialist, senior compensation analyst, and HR generalist with classification/compensation emphasis  Driving consistent and strategic recruitment practices  Partnership between TAD and units  Consultation with HR partners, hiring authorities/managers to make strategic decisions about Creating sourcing strategies Reporting candidate availability data Ensuring sufficiently diverse applicant pools Tracking and consulting on best practices in hiring

15 Additional considerations  Search committee role reviewed for repetitive or transactional activities, build out additional defined options for search committee involvement  Further clarity around purpose and use of waiver of search/interim recruitment guidelines  Streamlined method for large-scale reorganizations  Definition of promotion  Equity or reclassification reviews  Factors used to determine when internal competitive searches may occur

16 Next Steps  Presentation posted on TAD Projects page  Beginning configuration of talent management system next week  Core Implementation Team role in identifying process gaps  Process maps created, available for review  Possible pilot of these revised processes prior to talent management system implementation  Implementation of Phase I talent management system planned for early fall 2016

17 Save the Date  Demo of PageUp People Talent Management System  Wednesday, February 17, 1:30-3 p.m.  Ford Alumni Center Ballroom

18 Questions? Nancy Nieraeth, x. 6-8007 and

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